Clothes still not fitting better after almost a month :-(



  • loftus2005
    I can kind of relate. I have been doing this since the end of August. I thought the samething. I lost 17 lbs and Im now at a plateau. And my old jeans still JUST fit. I don't really get it either. But I can say other people have told me that I look thinner and I feel better than I have in a long time! So keep going your body might just be adjusting and one day you will notice and feel it!! Sometimes I feel like Im concentrating too hard on the clothes and getting skinny and all of that when really it is a lifestyle change and its going to take time!! Dont give up!! You CAN do this!!! :)
  • tamiesue2
    tamiesue2 Posts: 149 Member
    Another thing is what you eat. If you have alot of sodium in your diet you could be retaining water. There are soo many different factors that could influence. Muscle is denser than fat and as you are doing Jillian Michaels you are building muscle under your fat, you may want to check your diet and increase proteins and cut back in some other areas. Also, the three pounds can come from anywhere on your body, not just your jean area!! Keep at it and dont get discouraged!!!
  • agally
    agally Posts: 14
    Keep your chin up! its not an easy challenge especially over the holidays. are you drinking lots of water? if your not your body will be storing it and that weight wont fall off. just feeling better is a huge sucess and having the ambition to keep at it also helps... try going to the health food and supp shop and ask for some advice... Good luck.
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member
    Let me just say that 2 years ago I lost 40 lbs. I didn't really need new clothes until I lost about 20 lbs, and that was after 2 months. I eventually went down to a 14 from a size 20, and am in the process of going down again.

    The other day I saw a motivational quote that said...

    Fitness is 70% in the kitchen and 30% in the gym

    As someone who has worked out intensely 2 hours a day, 3 days a week (plus walking/crunches/extra that I don't really count) I can tell you that quote is true. I don't see a lot of changes unless I'm eating right + exercising AND taking care of myself, which means not depriving myself and getting enough sleep.
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    Thanks all for your motivation and support!!!!!!
    Hi!! Hang in there- you are obviously really motivated and that is the hard part. You are making progress, and it will show, but you may be able assist the process with your nutritional habits. Tough to address without a look at your diary. But i'll start with two simple questions. (1) What is your height/weight, and (2) Are you netting 1200 cals or just eating 1200 cals?

    I started Nutrisystem right around the same time I started this journey so I've been following their meal plans. They have me eating a ton of veggies, but eventually I'm just full from the extra veggies and can't eat anymore, so often I am under the 1200 calories that my fitness planner did calculate as what I should try to eat. Should I eat even if I'm not hungry?

    I'm also always confused as to what to do about factoring in the calories burned from exercise. Should I be eating a ton of extra food when I burn a lot of calories to try to get to the 1200 calories?

    My weight right now is 160 and I'm 5'4".
  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    It's like the stock market - you gotta be in it for the long haul. Don't watch the kettle boil or it will seem like it never will. Keep up your good work. Soon, you'll see the results you are looking for and you'll have positive momentum to carry you forward. :)
  • foolinme
    foolinme Posts: 21 Member
    I have been here for about 90 days or so and in that time I have lost about 12 lbs. I am basically on par with how much you are losing. Some of my friends on MFP, who don't go to the gym as much as I do, have lost more weight but I am not going to let that get me down and neither should you! You are right, this is a lifestyle change, and in the long run, you will be better off for it. I firmly believe it will happen, we will see the weight and inches start to melt away soon. Stick with it and feel free to add me as a friend if you like!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    Dont loose hope. Give it another few weeks and keep up the great work. I would guess that one day soon you will wake up and your pants will be loose.

    Yes, I agree with this. It took at least 3 weeks for me to see any difference. But once it started the weight came off consistently. Just stick with it and you'll get there.
  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    hi sweetie, i know it is hard when you are just starting, give it another month. yes i know it is hard to wait. but if you tweak your diet just a little bit more and watch sodium, it will help. idk what your diet looks like, but with exercise for me 1200 wasnt enough food. i am eating around 1500 and the first month was tough. then went back and dropped the sugar and upped my exercise and then i lost like 10 lbs the second month, 3 and 1/2 inches off my waist! so give it some more time. be patient, stick with what you are doing, and look at others diaries if that helps. i tried to eat more in the morning this wk and that is helping me also. you can add me if you like. and i am back into my skinny jeans also! dont worry about the scale, measure yourself!
  • sarasashas
    sarasashas Posts: 11 Member
    3 pounds in a month is still really good so don't be too hard on yourself!

    I doubt that 1200 a day is enough to put your body into starvation mode but the most important thing is to make sure your calories comes from healthy sources. This is where calorie counting can be deceptive, try to make most of it come from protein rather than carbs and don't be put off if you're coming over the limit with things like fruit or veg
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    your story sounds just like mine... the thing is i have been doing it for almost 3 months and only 3 lbs! :*( i also was doing 30ds to kick it up a notch to see more results and only 1 inch off my waist and hips after that 30 days. my clothes fell the same and no difference in the scale either :( it is frustrating no doubt! i just don't know what to do either, i am so frustrated and want to give up. now i am sick with a bad head cold and i haven't done anything since sunday, 4 days now ..... i am not motivated at all now to get back on it once i feel better....
  • sarasashas
    sarasashas Posts: 11 Member
    I take it back, I've just looked at your diary and your diet seems pretty good. Just be patient and focus on what you have lost, maybe also check that you're being as productive as you can in the gym and really pushing yourself. Good luck!
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry all! New to myfitnesspal. I didn't realize you could make your diary public. It's visible now to anyone who wants to give me some advice. Alas, I've only been doing the logging for 10 days...
  • staceykoz
    staceykoz Posts: 31 Member
    Everyone. I can't thank you enough. You all really have made me feel better about this. I know it's going to take time, and I'm sure my body is going into some type of shock because I've never worked my muscles this hard before. lol

    your story sounds just like mine... the thing is i have been doing it for almost 3 months and only 3 lbs! :*( i also was doing 30ds to kick it up a notch to see more results and only 1 inch off my waist and hips after that 30 days. my clothes fell the same and no difference in the scale either :( it is frustrating no doubt! i just don't know what to do either, i am so frustrated and want to give up. now i am sick with a bad head cold and i haven't done anything since sunday, 4 days now ..... i am not motivated at all now to get back on it once i feel better....

    Maybe we can motivate eachother to stick with it!
  • ericapage
    ericapage Posts: 108 Member
    Some people's bodies just take a little longer to show results. I have only lost 10 pounds so far but when I lost over 40 lbs a few years back it took a while to see results. I didn't really notice anything until I lost about 25 pounds. Keep up the good work, you'll be rewarded soon enough.
  • hnsaunde
    hnsaunde Posts: 757 Member
    Sorry all! New to myfitnesspal. I didn't realize you could make your diary public. It's visible now to anyone who wants to give me some advice. Alas, I've only been doing the logging for 10 days...

    You should eat at least 1200 calories a day, especially if you're doing exercise as well. Also, I would up the protein intake. Protein shakes are a great way to do this if you're not hungry. I would have one post workout to give you some more energy. Also, other options are lean ground beef and grilled chicken, or tuna. Also, have you added a sodium column to your diary? That may also affect weight loss as it affects water retention. You are doing well though, just keep going for a while longer!
  • lin7604
    lin7604 Posts: 3,019 Member
    3 pounds in a month is still really good so don't be too hard on yourself!

    I doubt that 1200 a day is enough to put your body into starvation mode but the most important thing is to make sure your calories comes from healthy sources. This is where calorie counting can be deceptive, try to make most of it come from protein rather than carbs and don't be put off if you're coming over the limit with things like fruit or veg

    that's where i have a hard time figuring things out b/c i love fruit and things like nuts, avacado's etc.. and when i go over my limit for the day i feel so bad, even those come of those calories came from essentially healthy items. i just don't know when it's ok to go over and not? some people say your over your over and that's it, don't go over... then i hear some say that's it's ok if you had gone over especially if it was say eg) a banana ... i never realized how many calories were in a banana and i used ot eat 3 a day at time, not thinking that was already 300 of my 1200 cal for the day!
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    And here I'm pissed because my clothes don't fit better after 5 days!!! ( :
    Did you let MyFitnessPal calculate the amount of calories you should have each day? 1200 is not very much. It is possible that you are eating too few calories, and your body is resisting losing anything because it's in "starvation mode" as they call it.

    ^^^^^ THIS!!!
    I was thinking the SAME thing. 1200 is not a lot AT ALL especially if you are working out every day. I have joined this site twice before (I failed both times) but this time it is finally sticking. Both of the other times I had my calories set at 1200 and nothing would happen...the scale would barely budge and my clothes felt NO different either. I didn't have "friends" on here either but my husband actually said to me one night "maybe you're not eating enough" I googled how many calories I needed to eat in order to maintain my weight and got an average of 1700-1800 per day. Then I looked up how many calories to lose weight at got anywhere from 1400-1600! BIG difference from what MFP had me set at. So I upped my calories to 1550 and so far so good. I've lost 4lbs in two weeks and I feel a difference in my clothes as well.
    I L-O-V-E MFP but I do think that the 1200 set calorie goal is waaaay too low for most people. Just try raising your totals for a couple of weeks and see how you do. You can always go back if you need to......

    GOOD LUCK!!!!!! :happy:
  • ava33
    ava33 Posts: 26
    It took me much longer than a month to notice a difference from exercising but once you do it's so incredibly gratifying, and in my opinion much better than losing from dieting alone. I still have a lot of weight to lose but I feel much more comfortable with my body and for the first time have a taste of what it might be like to actually like it!
    I'd recommend to stick to your diet and exercise regime, make sure you eat enough and just wait it out. I haven't lost a lot last year but many people thought I had, and I can fit into some clothes I couldn't have when I was the same weight before but not working out.
    Be strong, it can take a while but I always think what would I be doing if I wasn't dieting and exercising? I'd definitely be gaining weight then (and always have) so however slow things are it's still better than going in the other direction.
  • reinafuerte
    reinafuerte Posts: 1 Member
    Everyone is right. Muscle weighs more that fat. You want to be gaining muscle because it will help you lose that fat. But as all have said, it takes time and is frustrating from the start because it feels like nothing is happening! How I hated that! Be patient! I am truly not familiar with your workout, but make sure you are doing ab exercises to build those muscles. Also, ab exercises in different areas of the abdomen, not just one set of muscles. This will help tighten that area and you will start seeing your pants loosen up. Change up your workout. Cardio one day, strength training the next. Keep that pattern. Find some different workouts as well so as not to get bored. Although you may not know it, if you are repeating the same exercises and getting stronger, you may not be pushing yourself that little extra step, even though you feel you are. Your body had adjusted to that workout and you need to make those movements much more dynamic. After a workout you need to get protein in your body- especially when strength training! This helps the body build muscle. There are some great protein shakes out there. I don't want to list the one I use, only because I am not trying to sell it, but I have loved the taste of them. Much better than others! Feel free to send me a note if you'd like, I'll let you know.

    Don't give up. I have felt the same way so many times. Here I have let myself go with the holidays and am truly sorry I did. I was afraid I'd have to get new pants!!!

    Good luck! You CAN do it! You WILL do it! :happy: