You don't have to be perfect!

Okay so I found this article from a friend and I really liked it so I wanted to post it. We all come here to either lose weight or get healthy. But there is also this negative attitude toward women of plus sizes. I know that there is a line between healthy and overweight/obesity, but at the same time women at size 12 can be healthy and beautiful. I personally would be happy with a size 12! "Large" women are not always obese or unhealthy, it's just unfortunate that many of the models today are so small it makes most women feel inadequate.

*warning- the pictures in the article are tasteful nude shots (no genitals showing but artsy photos) so be forewarned. They are not gross, just a beautiful curvy woman showing off her body*


  • galaxyhearts
    galaxyhearts Posts: 258 Member
    Personally I'd like to be a 12 again but I can tell you that at 5'3" when I was a 12 I was still really unhappy. lol

    Whatever people are happy with is their own choice. I try not to pay attention to the media for cues on what looks right or wrong or healthy or unhealthy. I think the key is to just do what is best for us.

    Yes there are models who, as the article states, qualify as "anorexic" from their BMI. However, it's really important to remember that some of those models are those weights naturally. They aren't unhealthy, and I think it's wrong to call people out on both ends.

    In parts of Europe, most of what many people consider a "healthy weight" in the US is seen as overweight there. It's all about perspective. I'm kind of a perfectionist but I see what you mean about not needing to be a size 0 to be beautiful. But the issues of beauty and health are not necessarily dependent upon one another.
  • psmd
    psmd Posts: 764 Member
    Two different issues. Yes the women are beautiful. And they might be fairly healthy, but they are not as healthy as they could be at slightly lower weights. You're right though, no one has to be perfect. But they are comparing extremes in the article with the model-thin women who are unhealthy in a different way. I know for myself I don't mind having imperfections but I know I feel more attractive when I do not have the extra weight there.
  • ShadowSoldier23
    ShadowSoldier23 Posts: 321 Member
    Personally I'd like to be a 12 again but I can tell you that at 5'3" when I was a 12 I was still really unhappy. lol

    Whatever people are happy with is their own choice. I try not to pay attention to the media for cues on what looks right or wrong or healthy or unhealthy. I think the key is to just do what is best for us.

    Yes there are models who, as the article states, qualify as "anorexic" from their BMI. However, it's really important to remember that some of those models are those weights naturally. They aren't unhealthy, and I think it's wrong to call people out on both ends.

    In parts of Europe, most of what many people consider a "healthy weight" in the US is seen as overweight there. It's all about perspective. I'm kind of a perfectionist but I see what you mean about not needing to be a size 0 to be beautiful. But the issues of beauty and health are not necessarily dependent upon one another.

    That is true, I just hate that plus size women are sometimes looked down upon because they are not perfect or weigh a little more than they should. I know a few who are absolutely happy being a plus size. It's wonderful. I just hate that people can be SO ashamed about being a plus size that they let it eat at them. You should be happy with who you are and not depend so much on how much you weigh. I want to lose weight only because I feel unhealthy physically, it's not so much an emotional thing for me. I know I will be the same person no matter what :)