
I am so sick of logging into any social media site, whether it be here, or Facebook, or Twitter, or Tumblr, or wherever, and hearing people complain about the "Noobs", the "New Years Resolution" crowd. Yeah, there are a lot of new people hopping on the fitness train this time of the year. Yes the gym is more crowded, yes you will most likely be bombarded by talk of how good they are doing right now and what they are doing and whatever. But guess what. THAT WAS ONCE YOU. YOU were once the Noob who decided one day to start life over, and live it healthfully. You were once the person at the gym who didnt know how to use a machine, or knew about the time limits. You were once the person who would talk to anyone who would listen about how much your legs hurt, or the AWESOME workout you just had. Why not take that life experience and help out these fellow peeps? Why ***** and complain about them, when you could support them? There are a lot of people who start up a health and fitness regime after New Years. And there are a lot of them that wont follow through. Thats a way of life. But why cant we all support them rather than fill the air with negativity about how they took all the treadmills, or you are sick of hearing them complain? Think about how scared you were when you first started your journey? How unsure you were, how new everything seemed. Instead of shooting dirty looks at the people walking slowly on the treadmill when you walk by, offer a smile. Show someone how to use a machine. Help and support these newbies, because we all have the same destination....a fit, healthy life. I think the rudest thing I ever saw was a post that someone made on Facebook about the gym being full of new people the week after New Years, and a response was "Oh don't worry, they will be all gone by next week". Maybe more people would be successful if they had SUPPORT rather than COMPLAINTS.

And who cares if this is 4th time they have started this journey. Maybe this time they will be successful if they have a little support. How many of you caught on the first time around?