Not enough calories



  • engineman312
    engineman312 Posts: 3,450 Member
    for those exercise calories, you should try and re-eat them by consuming a protein shake, or some chocolate milk. personally, i like a protein fruit smoothie after a work out, and it is usually about 400-700 calories, depending on how much i burn.

  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    for those exercise calories, you should try and re-eat them by consuming a protein shake, or some chocolate milk. personally, i like a protein fruit smoothie after a work out, and it is usually about 400-700 calories, depending on how much i burn.


    ^This is what I like to see.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I'm sure all these people who say don't eat if you aren't hungry are the same people who will insist you have to force gallons of water down your throat whether you're thirsty or not.:huh:

    Your body adjusts itself to what you do to it. If you consistently under eat, your body will adjust by eliminating muscle tissue, slowing your metabolism down hormonally, and mute hunger pangs, to make it easier to find food without being distracted. You need to retrain your body to eat enough for proper nutrition.
  • Ddouglas84
    Thanks Everyone. I am trying to lose at least 40 lbs. and most of you are probably right i am just really motivated right now. However i do not exercise that often, only 3 times a week for about 30-60 minutes each. I just did the other day and came to that scenario. I normally do ceral/mike for breakfast, turkey sandwich/orange for lunch and dinner varies trying to stay under 500 calories total on dinner. But I will add some things to my foods or just not feel bad to eat something more to hit my GOAL calorie intake now. Thanks
  • mmmichelle8486
    mmmichelle8486 Posts: 269 Member
    Okay, I am trying to lose between 40 and 50 lbs myself, and I am a woman, and I eat more calories than you do each day. I looked at your diary, you might also want to make sure your sodium levels aren't too high, that really affects my loss when I don't keep that number in check. Also agree with drinking your calories, I often have a shake (sometimes with whey, sometimes not) as a snack after I work out. It will help you use some of those extra calories. Calories are important, but also remember quality/nutrition. Hope this helps, and good luck.