Bandless and Bummed- Looking for Friends who have had succes

Hello everyone,

I am a 38 year old single mom of 2 boys. In January of 2008 I had the LapBand placed and had wonderful success with it. I lost 110 pounds and never looked or felt better in my life. I was on top of the world. In July of 2011, the Band slipped without any reason, and despite the best efforts of my surgeon he could not save it. I was broken hearted. I don't blame my surgeon, or the Band. I would have another one placed in a heartbeat if I had the money to. I am not saying it works for everyone, just that it worked great for me.

Since then I have put on 38 pounds and I am horribly depressed. I am working hard now trying to take it off before it gets totally out of hand. I would absolutely LOVE to meet up with other people who have had success with the Band, but no longer have it and are fighting a backslide. No one else could truly understand.

I will NOT entertain criticism of the Band, or anything like that. I am only interested in talking with people who understand what this is like and want to try to make it through. Thank you so much in advance!! I hope there are some of you out there....



  • shirleygirl910
    shirleygirl910 Posts: 503 Member
    I paid cash for my band in July 2010. 17 months later I had to have it removed and I had the Doctor convert it to the sleeve. I lost 129 lbs in the 17 months I had the band, but I had complications with my hiatal hernia and the band ended up slipping. My Doctor told me the 90% of bands have to be taken out or replace 1 to 5 years after surgery. So don't blame yourself. I have friends that have just had thier band removed and they fight every day trying to keep the weight off. Even with the sleeve maintenance it's hard. The first couple years your body loses real easy, but even with the band people say it's hard to keep it off.

    My sucessful weeks I log everything. Even the bad choices. I exercise at least two times in a weeks time for 1-2 hours. Usually more weights than cardio. I read everything I can get my hands on in regards to how to eat, what to eat, what vitamins, and especially working out. I've always done the working out and not seen results and stopped. MFP has been my angel for helping me log everything, without it I wouldn't succeed.