New to this site

I am new here, but not new to the the whole weightloss fitness thing. I am 50 years old and I have lost over 100 lbs and kept is off about 10 years now. I like to hang out in communities like this to keep me motivated and I enjoy motivating others. This is the best site I have found in a long time. So glad someone steered me in this direction. I have had a few friend requests and have yet to accept as I was worried about creepers. It seems fairly safe here so far so perhaps I will accept some friends.


  • Snickers6961
    Snickers6961 Posts: 11 Member
    I totally understand!! I also had the fear of creepers but I have experience nothing but love and support from those I have friended!! This is a great site with lots of helpful information and good people to meet! Welcome! :happy: