No exercise, Just sticking to cals?



    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 347 Member
    Forgive me if something like this was already mentioned, but you seem to do a lot of moving about during the day already (which is awesome!) What if you bought ankle and wrist weights to strap on while you are cooking, cleaning, ironing, or otherwise living your daily life to increase the calorie burn? My boss sits at her desk most of the day (with trips to the mailbox, restroom, breakroom, other offices here and there). I bought her strap-on ankle and wrist weights from Target for her birthday and she says she can actually feel her heartrate going up and her muscles working now that she wears them while doing things like making copies, etc. Best wishes :)

  • kk1964
    kk1964 Posts: 46
    Hi, I work full time and have a young son so understand your dilemma, i invested in a treadmill and now i do 30 mins a day everyday power walking as i can fit it into my schedule...
  • Hi...I just wanted to let you know that I have lost MOST of my weight without any formal exercise program--to date. Although, I do intend to start adding exercise into my daily life, the food I was eating (and the amount) was, I believe, the biggest change to make to my life. I probably would have lost weight faster if I had included exercise, but I am in the process of changing my entire life and do not want it to come off too quickly. I am able to move around more easily now--thankfully--and will be adding exercise very shortly.
  • I don't exercise, but have a fairly active job. I lose weight fairly steady at about 1 - 1.5 lbs a week.
  • shaj316
    shaj316 Posts: 161
    Because I was busy in the holiday season, I've gone a couple months now without exercising and am still losing weight (albeit a little slower). One thing to keep in mind, I seem to notice on threads about loose skin after dramatic weight seemed people who exercised and lost weight don't have as much issue with it as do people who don't exercise. Again...its just something I noticed and not based on any research or might just be coincidental. Personally, I know exercise is good for me so I will jump back into it anyway, but the thought of possibly not having to do something like surgery to deal with loose skin down the road would be a bonus. I guess time will tell.
  • jncverhoef
    jncverhoef Posts: 5 Member
    Exercise because it feels good in your new body!! Sometimes it's a real struggle to find time, but it is MY time. I love the feeling it gives me and meeting other fit people motivates me! I wouldn't be me without exercise.
  • avg1986
    avg1986 Posts: 69 Member
    what about the other day? you said you did school runs 4 days a week? or why can't the kids walk to school with you if its not too far?

    i forgot to add that i do walk every day, i dont actually drive so the school run each day is half mile there and half mile back so i walk at least 2 miles every day without thinking really!! Then my son has pre school 4 days a week which is a 5 min walk from me!

    I just see this walking as my every day thing anyways so i would need to burn extra calories by doing exercise to boost the calories that my body is used to burning! Does that make sense?

  • Mama_CAEI
    Mama_CAEI Posts: 235
    what about the other day? you said you did school runs 4 days a week? or why can't the kids walk to school with you if its not too far?

    i forgot to add that i do walk every day, i dont actually drive so the school run each day is half mile there and half mile back so i walk at least 2 miles every day without thinking really!! Then my son has pre school 4 days a week which is a 5 min walk from me!

    I just see this walking as my every day thing anyways so i would need to burn extra calories by doing exercise to boost the calories that my body is used to burning! Does that make sense?


    It depends what you set your lifestyle as. If you set it as sedentary, then log every time you move. If you set it as lightly active, then it takes into account that you move more than someone who has a desk job (like me.)
  • janet_pratt
    janet_pratt Posts: 747 Member
    Thanks for the reply, I have a gym litterally 2 mins walk from me but with my husband in and out of work its just a no go at the moment! I live in a block of flats which opens up onto a huge field so it would be ideal to go for a jog during the day which im really gonna have to start doing!

    I think I am talking myself into just finding an hour at any time during the day to go for a jog and i need to stick to it.

    I'm hoping that once spring/summer comes round and it gets light earlier i will have more of a time frame to fit a jog into!

    Thanks again x

    I've read articles that say you don't have to do the whole hour at once. Shoot for 30 minutes a day to begin with and break them up into 10 minute increments here and there. There must be a couple places in your day you can do 10 minutes of jumping rope, jogging around your house. Pushups, whatever. It may be easier in your schedule to find those 10 three times than the whole 30 or 60 for now.
  • Scorpioangel
    Scorpioangel Posts: 951 Member
    I haven't done that but my boyfriend has been tracking calories and has lost weight successfully so far :) He does run every now and then but nothing regular ; )
  • dedication6
    dedication6 Posts: 184 Member
    How far away is the school? Could you walk there? Or could you leave earlier for your mid day trip and take a walk when you get there before you pick up the little one(s)?

    Of course you can still lose weight by staying within your daily calories, but you may not like what you see. Your skin could be loose and jiggly, because there is nothing tighting it while you lose.
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,446 Member
    what about the other day? you said you did school runs 4 days a week? or why can't the kids walk to school with you if its not too far?

    i forgot to add that i do walk every day, i dont actually drive so the school run each day is half mile there and half mile back so i walk at least 2 miles every day without thinking really!! Then my son has pre school 4 days a week which is a 5 min walk from me!

    I just see this walking as my every day thing anyways so i would need to burn extra calories by doing exercise to boost the calories that my body is used to burning! Does that make sense?


    That's even better. Speed walk when you don't have the kids with you. Set time targets like: 10 minutes, 9, minute....8... all the way down to 6 minutes (you will practically be running if you make it that fast!)
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    I lost the first 50 this way. Didn't own a HRM, didn't have a gym membership, just a scale and MFP.
  • vger11
    vger11 Posts: 248
    Especially because you are so young, weight loss without exercise is very do-able with good healthy intake.

    But even 15 - 20 minutes of exercise will help suppress appetite, not to mention boost self-esteem and wellness.
  • avg1986
    avg1986 Posts: 69 Member
    I was worried because today was my first weigh in and it must be working because im 3lb down since Sunday!!!

    Once again, thanks for the replies, i know this is do-able now!!

  • jaimesmumma
    jaimesmumma Posts: 3 Member
    i try to incorparate little things into my day im always squating doing leg raises or just moving while i wait for the jug to boil or when washin didhes cooking tea etc it makes it kind of fun and feels like less of a chore plus my lil girl loves watching me and trying to copy =)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    You're exercising already, that's great!!
    What about wearing your running shoes on the walk to school then jogging home? Or even a little bit past home so you get in your run for the day as part of the school run (you called it a run, now do it!)
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Thanks for the reply, I have a gym litterally 2 mins walk from me but with my husband in and out of work its just a no go at the moment! I live in a block of flats which opens up onto a huge field so it would be ideal to go for a jog during the day which im really gonna have to start doing!

    I think I am talking myself into just finding an hour at any time during the day to go for a jog and i need to stick to it.

    I'm hoping that once spring/summer comes round and it gets light earlier i will have more of a time frame to fit a jog into!

    Thanks again x

    If you have a gym two minutes away you can just go to it. I had sworn to myself if I lived any closer to a gym I'd just run to it for quickie workouts all the time. If you can dedicate time to go for jogs everyday... you can job to the gym as well ;)

    EDIT: Also, I have heard that 80% of body composition is strictly diet.
  • JoyceJoanne
    JoyceJoanne Posts: 760 Member
    I lost most of my weight with counting calories alone. I AM sorry though that I didn't start excercising earlier (almost a year later). I think I would be less "flabby" if I would have done both from the beggining. I figured that I could stick to one for sure, not sure of both... I didn't want to do too much too fast and give up. Which DID work. If I would have done both earlier, I would be much closer to where I want to be. But, I did learn to be healthier and I have stuck to better eating (mostly). I am hoping to one day enjoy excercising not just DO it. Hey, it took me a year to get here... what's another year to love to excercise?? ;-)
  • avg1986
    avg1986 Posts: 69 Member
    My husband is out of work at the moment so i Cant afford to join the gym! Xx