What piece of equipment should I get? Come on..you know you



  • irishgirl63
    Smith Machine
  • sarah44254
    sarah44254 Posts: 3,078 Member
    dip station :)

    and use those weights!
  • fink21061
    fink21061 Posts: 53 Member
    My husband got the rack for Christmas. But instead of ordering off TV I went to target and get it. 100 bucks, and comes with dvd's. He loves it. I have not started on it yet but plan to.
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    You can have my mini trampoline. It's collecting dust. Kids don't even like it cause it doesn't bounce high :-)

    I would get a barbell and some weights!
    Alright, I'll walk to wherever you are, and carry it home. That'll probably be a nice workout! :laugh:
  • Gillian_1
    I'd go for the trampoline if you're going to base your decision purely on which one you'll have the most fun with. Also, I know exactly what you mean when you say you get bored of things easily. The trampoline is something you won't get tired of if you use it the same way you use your gym mat - Trampoline comes out and you do a specially designed workout on it. Whenever you feel yourself getting bored you can just change the exercises you do on the trampoline.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    of the 3 choices you listed, the trampoline is the easiest choice because it will actually give you a workout. you can't spot reduce, so the ab circle won't do jack for you. I had the gazelle a long time ago and the range of motion is limited (i.e., you can't get a full lower body extension on the swing) so its of limited utility IMO.

    as folks have mentioned, a good set of adjustable dumbbells would be nice.

    I'm currently a big fan of a medicine/smash ball.
  • Solomonre0
    Solomonre0 Posts: 143 Member
    Ask for a tv. Assuming that you don't already have one in your workout room.

    If not that then a netflix subscription. They have so many exercise videos on the instant view. I really like the crunch ones. Then you can to try a wide variety of workouts: yoga, pilates, dance, "bootcamp" and tons more!

    Or get some mirrors, a comfy chair, and the flirty girl fit pole dance work out. You and your honey can enjoy that one :)
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    I had a Gazelle and I HATED it. It is very boring and the guy on the videos drove me nuts!!

    I too think that the AB circle looks fun. I would go with that!
  • gatecityradio
    Read the reviews online of the products you've listed. I've looked into the ab circle because I thought it looked fun...it gets terrible reviews. If it's on an infomercial I tend to research it heavily. Honestly I think you should get a stationary bike and to make it fun use a tablet pc or laptop to watch movies/tv shows or browse the internet.
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    Holy cow! TRX looks AWESOME!

    And I do have a TV..and netflix. Hehe (: The crunch is...I don't even know what to say about it. Tried one today and shut it off quickly. Work out DVD's fry my brain!
  • lovinbeinold
    Some thoughts on the pieces you mentioned. A mini trampoline. If you haven't tried one, do so first. I used to get headaches on them.

    A Gazelle? I have one and I am weak, old, and out of shape, and it's really not a big challenge for me to do. Get something more challenging if you are in better shape than I am! I am using it to make my body move with little stress on my joints, but that seems about all it's good for. It uses momentum. It IS kind of fun to put music on and get going fast on it. (Fast for you would be too fast for me, no doubt.)

    It's fun in a way, and gives someone like me a place to start. But if you are relatively strong, aren't rehabbing yourself, and are agile, I'd suggest something else.

    There may be other people who know how to make the Gazelle more challenging than how I use it too. So, don't totally discount it just based on what I say. And again, if you can find one on display, ask if you can try it out.

    Frankly, I think that weights and taking walks and pushups and pull ups would be a great and inexpensive way to get going.
  • katiebythebay
    katiebythebay Posts: 611 Member
    There aren't that many videos made for the trampolene. Are you doing to devise your own workout ?

    I don'tknow what an Ab circle is.

    I don't know what an Ab circle is either. Can someone post a picture please?


    Okay, I know there are some people on the thread that don't like the Ab Circle, but it looks like loads of fun (and also, something you could really, really get hurt on.)
  • NashvilleShelley
    jump rope, hula hoop, punching bag = fun!
  • goodhealth2012
    jump rope, hula hoop, punching bag = fun!

    I like these suggestions, you can do lots of exercises with them and they aren't expensive.
    Forget the ab circle and i think the trampoline would get boring.
  • kaytiecakes
    kaytiecakes Posts: 79 Member
    Read the reviews online of the products you've listed. I've looked into the ab circle because I thought it looked fun...it gets terrible reviews. If it's on an infomercial I tend to research it heavily. Honestly I think you should get a stationary bike and to make it fun use a tablet pc or laptop to watch movies/tv shows or browse the internet.

    I have a recumbent exercise bike (magentic resistance) and I love it. I can play on my phone and watch tv while I bike at a steady pace, or I set my phone down and zone out at a movie while I pedal my heart out and suddenly the movie's over and I'm sweating and I just burned a thousand calories. The recumbent style is awesome because my back doesn't hurt from sitting on an upright, and my joints don't hurt like they did with the treadmill that quickly turned into a coat rack.
  • PaulaButHag
    I have a gazelle and use it primarily as a cool-down stretch. My husband had back surgery a while back, and uses the gazelle alot to help him stretch. I also have an ab lounger, it is ok. A trampoline might be fun for a while.
  • SmallerBecky
    Well, if you just want to have fun and aren't serious about changing your body, I have no suggestions for you--take whichever of those three useless things you want! But I'll tell you, I can't wait to get me an Olympic barbell and some heavy weights AND one of those awesome TRX! Someday...my dreams will come true!
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    Well, if you just want to have fun and aren't serious about changing your body, I have no suggestions for you--take whichever of those three useless things you want! But I'll tell you, I can't wait to get me an Olympic barbell and some heavy weights AND one of those awesome TRX! Someday...my dreams will come true!
    Wow, because that totally means I'm not serious. Kind of judge mental, don't you think?
    I'm 18. I do a lot of stuff that isn't on equipment that keeps me healthy. I don't really need something huge and vigerous right now, I'm a beginner, and I have to start somewhere.
  • Ynnep1000
    I got a thing called a trainer that I put my regular bike onto and it becomes an exercise bike. It's pretty cool. Is you ceiling high enough for you to be bouncing on a mini trampolene? We had one when I was a kid and we were forever bashing our heads on the ceiling. Probably explains a lot.
  • hewwokitty
    hewwokitty Posts: 69 Member
    I got a thing called a trainer that I put my regular bike onto and it becomes an exercise bike. It's pretty cool. Is you ceiling high enough for you to be bouncing on a mini trampolene? We had one when I was a kid and we were forever bashing our heads on the ceiling. Probably explains a lot.
    LOL. Yes i do. But the trainer thing sounds pretty handy actually! Nice for a rainy day.