New to MFP

I created an account a long time ago but never really utilized the site/app. 5 weeks ago, I started the Optifast 70 program through Kaiser and have lost 30 pounds (half way to goal!). I started at 204.5 and at my last weigh in on Tuesday I was 174.5. Due to some medical complications, they've had to change my plan to Optifast 800 and I am also incorporating some solid foods into my program so I decided that now is the time to really start using the app/site to monitor my intakes. The support in the forums will be helpful too!

I'm a 31 year old single mom of 3 (7, 8, and 9) and I live in San Diego.

Looking forward to the last half of my weight loss journey!!


  • cwgrl4u
    cwgrl4u Posts: 12 Member
    Those are great results! Are you doing any physical activities with that plan? I did the P90X fitness workout and ate clean for 90 days and lost 23lbs going from a size 12 to a size 4. I have been maintaing by daily workouts and eating clean!
  • Those are some awesome results!!

    I was working out almost every day before this past week. Due to medical complications I've been unable to be active. My fitness level when I started was pretty much ZERO. My idea of "working out" may not be the same as yours ;-) but I have definitely greatly increased my activity and am taking baby steps towards fitness.