help with calories

hi!! i am very confused with calories and net calories. my BMR is 1255 and to maintain my weight, i need 1950 calories. i have mfp at 1550 calories/day. and i burn around 200-300 calories/ day which puts my net to around 1250 to 1350 calories. is it ok to leave it at that since my bmr is 1255 anyways or do i have to eat back the calories burned?? if i don't eat it back, that gives me 700 calories deficit. is that even safe?i dont want to put myself in starvation mode. if i do eat it back, it makes me feel like my workout was for nothing since I ate it back. i dont know. help???


  • Embera
    Embera Posts: 289 Member
    my opion is it would make u loose weight but as long as u have as much as u need for survive which they have a caculator for btw u should be ok but make sure your not hungry i eat every 4 hours to keep up my matabalism and not let my self get hungry
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    If your BMR is 1255 then you are a petite person. For you I'd say 700 cals is too much as a deficit. Aim for 2-300 cals/day deficit so if you workout you eat more but keep those 300 under all the time.