Caffeine Free



  • scottstofko
    scottstofko Posts: 3 Member
    I have been caffine Free for 40 days. I was a sodacholic and loved me some Sweet Tea. Now I only drink water and feel so much better. Keep it up you will be happy you did!!!!
  • SunShine726
    SunShine726 Posts: 6 Member
    That is awesome! Keep it up!
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I've been caffeine free for nearly 2 years now. Gave it up cause my friend was giving it up and I wanted to see him suffer. He's gone back to it, but I stayed off it when I felt the withdrawal symptoms from 2 cups of coffee a day! I thought, I'm not getting addicted to this crap again. I do have chocolate though, but no tea or coffee, and I never drank caffeinated soft drinks or energy drinks ever so never had to give them up in the first place.

    If you find the right herbal tea, it tastes way better.
  • kymdarnell
    ok all - i haven't had time to read all of the posts on here - but I love my coffee and always thought it would be ok to keep drinking it - due to low calories - i have mine with trim milk and no sugar - maybe the calories on mfp for coffee are wrong - does anyone know what the calories are? oh, I am talking about generic instant coffee - can't afford starbucks
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    No sodas for me since June 2, 2011. Only decaf tea occasionally at home. It's not the caffeien I missed but the flavor...I miss having something that tastes GOOD to drink!!
  • Gabbahh
    Gabbahh Posts: 35
    Okey, I don't wanna sound rude, but why give it up completely? Caffeine is fat burning, appetetie suppressing and caffeine containg beverages like coffee, tea (black, green and white) and yerba mate are healthy in many various ways.
  • Aaloo79
    Aaloo79 Posts: 105
    Good to hear that.
    I read a book once "Easyway to loose weight by Allen Carr" and was fairly impressed by one statement:
    "If someone has to develop taste for something, then nature has not created it for our consumption. Nature has pre-programmed us for what we should eat and what not. Its just a matter of realizing it.
    But at the same time we have a junk margin and if we do some deviation in moderation, it would not harm us"

    Not my words, but I liked it. I'm also getting rid of my addictive habits.

    Cheers and all the best!