Under Calorie/Carbs; but over Fat/Protein

I'm a MFP newbie (just since January 10, 2012). I've got over 100 pounds to lose and have decided to go the "carb conscious" route, just cause this is what seems to work best for me. My goal is 100 carbs or less a day, although MFP has automatically given me close to double that based on my height and weight. Since Tuesday, I've been pretty good at staying under the Calorie/Carbs I'm allowed (that includes under 100 carbs, not the carbs allowed by MFP), but like today I'm over my fat grams by 12 and my protein by 1. My question is, how much will my weight loss be affected by staying under the calorie/carb count but barely going over the fat/protein count? I'm still trying to grasp counting all of this stuff before I eat it..lol! :)