4'11" tall... anyone else ?



  • drivermarshy
    i started at 175 pounds last year and have seen a steady drop in weight over that time. i started off just doing cardio but in about june time took to doing a mix of strength and cardio... seems to have been a good choice as i now eat more which in turn makes it easier to keep the fitness up as i dont feel deprived. i need to up my cals but its a scary move as i dont wanna be fat again lol
  • biologic
    everyone should strive to be 5'3" by June. I don't want to hear anyone complaining or quitting.

    get to it.
  • drivermarshy
    i will have to start collecting phone books to stand on ;)
  • scjp926
    scjp926 Posts: 2 Member
    I am 4'11 and I am at 128 with a goal of 109. I don't know how I will look/feel at that weight since I have been overweight since I was younger.
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    I'm glad I found this thread because I think weight loss is different for petite women. I'm 5'0" in flip flops. Right now I'm at 185 lbs (largest I've ever been and it's grossing me out). The lowest I've been as an adult is 140, and while right now I'd LOVE to be that weight again, I still had a LOT of belly and arm fat. My legs and face looked good, though. My goal right now is 115, but I figure I'll reassess at 120 to see if I need to go further or if I want to stop there.

    My question is, have any of you found that the calorie requirements don't work for you? Should us small girls be eating less to lose weight?
  • fatburn120
    That's what my question was too. I noticed that I don't lose with the 1200 cal diet. I need to be 1000 -1200 with 1200 being when I overeat.
    Has anyone one else noticed that?
  • MsKittyCAT
    Thanks for all the responses! Us shorties need to stick together here. We know that good things come in small packages from a height perspective, lol.

    I was a little thing didn't hit 100 lbs til college. I had health issues in my 20's and ballooned up to 190 lbs before having a hiatal hernia repair and an emergency hysterectomy before age 30. Have battled the weight since then and never been able to get it off and keep it off. I HATE that I'm "morbidly obese" according to the BMI index. Should weigh between 93 and 124 they say although I have not been able to achieve that as an adult.

    My lowest weight since my surgeries was in 2007 at 135 but I still had a bit of a belly. I was wearing size 6/8 pants and medium tops.

    I don't want to look like a beanpole I do like feminine curves. But I want to be firm not flabby. I hate that my boobs are always the first thing I lose, lol.

    At 1200 calorie limit I'm always starving. How do you get past that so the stomach will shrink???
  • DirrtyH
    DirrtyH Posts: 664 Member
    It depends on what you're eating - if you're eating 1200 empty calories, you will be hungry. If you're getting a lot of fiber and protein it will help with the hunger. I've been eating around 1100 calories a day and I don't find that I'm all that hungry. But on past weight loss adventures, 1100 seemed impossible. But that time around, I was eating a lot of low cal, low fat snack foods like those 100 calorie packs, or fat free potato chips or granola bars. Empty calories! Now I make sure when I need to snack that I'm eating fruits, veggies and nuts. Instead of low calorie processed foods, I'm eating whole foods that are easy to prepare. I still have Lean Cuisines for lunch because they're yummy and easy, but I'm planning on transitioning those out soon in favor of lean meats and veggies.
  • mab33
    mab33 Posts: 242 Member
    5' here with a goal between 111 and 119. It really depends on your body type what you can healthily achieve. My hubby liked me at 124 and a size 4/6. I like myself a little smaller.

    As far as calories, I know from past experience the only time I have been successful at losing weight was eating 600 calories a day and working out like crazy. I'm being good though and sticking to 1200 now. Not eating enough back in the day had serious consequences for my metabolism today.
  • Lora0626
    Lora0626 Posts: 54 Member
    4'11 & 1/2 here -- I'm at around 160 and want to get to down around 140 for my first round goal. I know my max weight is around 119, but its been many years since I've seen that! :-)
  • kekekyon
    kekekyon Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 4'11" as well!

    I'm in my second year of college, and last year I gained the freshman 20.

    I felt most comfortable at 98 pounds, which for me, was enough to just barely squeeze into a size one. I held that weight for 4 years before heading off to college.
    I'm at a size 4-size 6 now (because 20lbs means going up many pants sizes at this height).
    I have been restricting my diet to about 1000 calories per day, with one day a week free to go up to 1500.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    4'11" goal 115-120
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    That's what my question was too. I noticed that I don't lose with the 1200 cal diet. I need to be 1000 -1200 with 1200 being when I overeat.
    Has anyone one else noticed that?

    4'11" officially...but last time the doctor measured was 4'10.5":sad:

    So glad to finally hear someone say that they have to lower the calories from 1200 to lose:grumble: I've always found that if I want to lose I have to eat 1000 or just under, doesn't matter how much I exercise.

    I have found that 113-115 puts me at a size 4-6 and anything less gives me way too many wrinkles:blushing: so that is the goal.

    :drinker: Here's to all of us shorties:drinker: we will succeed:smile:
  • munchgen
    munchgen Posts: 19 Member
    I am 4' 10" and I have weighed 101 before I looked sick... My weight I like is around 110-115 max 120. Right now I am curently at 136 and 137 (not pg is my most I have ever weighted) I am a size 8 currently but want to be back in my 4's. I am a mother of 2 children so I also have extra skin that I have not been able to do anything with so hoping I can get that gone before I am done with loosing my weight. I wish us all the best of luck!
  • B_Steppuhn
    B_Steppuhn Posts: 44 Member
    4'10" and goal of 115.
  • sriraw
    sriraw Posts: 31 Member
    So how many calories do most of you eat to lose?

    I am still trying to figure out the most that I can eat and still lose. i realize this will change as I lose, but I am still trying to allow as many calories as possible since I am ALWAYS hungry.:sad:
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i'm 5 feet tall and 120 pounds would be nice.. i doubt i can get to 110 :(
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    4'11" tall... anyone else ? Wondering what my goal weight / measurements should be. Anyone else my height want to share their goals and measurements ? Thanks!

    FINALLY, someone who is the same height as me! I'm not very petite when it comes to being short though. I have all my measurements written down somewhere..
    I have a very thick, athletic body. my goal weight is about 130 lbs, and I'd like to get back to my hourglass shape. If you're petite, I doubt your measurements would be anywhere near what my goal measurements would be, even at 104 lbs, I was a size 7.
  • janessafantasma
    janessafantasma Posts: 312 Member
    Wow, after reading through some of the goals, I feel awkward that my goal weight is 130 lbs. Once I hit puberty, I was never below 115 pounds. I was a varsity swimmer in school and swam on the USA swim team, so I was constantly involved in high intensity workouts, I was also actively involved in snowboarding and biking throughout the year. I can't imagine weighing any less than 130 lbs. I have never met girls my height that have a similar body type, everyone I meet that is under 5 feet tall is very petite with an incredibly small body frame and small features :(
  • uzit_13
    uzit_13 Posts: 41 Member
    There are a couple groups for us shorties. One is called Shorties! 5ft

    The other is Petite Girls Unite

    And Petite Voluptuous Women