how many cal to eat

I am confused and need help. My BMR is 1200. I exercise about 400cal daily. That gives me 1600cal. How many cal can I eat to loose 1 lb/wk? 1100? that is so little.

I just finished reading " run your butt off" In that they multiply the BMR by a factor based on activity level. according to that the cal from exercise added to the number you get above. in order to loose 1lb/wk you need to eat 500cal less each day.

So which one is correct?


  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    I am confused and need help. My BMR is 1200. I exercise about 400cal daily. That gives me 1600cal. How many cal can I eat to loose 1 lb/wk? 1100? that is so little.

    I just finished reading " run your butt off" In that they multiply the BMR by a factor based on activity level. according to that the cal from exercise added to the number you get above. in order to loose 1lb/wk you need to eat 500cal less each day.

    So which one is correct?

    BMR is how many calories you burn by lying in bed all day. As soon as you get up and live, you burn appx. 500. So . . . if you eat BMR you already have a 500 daily deficit, or 3500 deficit for the week - that's equivalent for 1 lb. loss per week.

    So, eat your BMR 1200 + exercise calories (if 400), then 1600.
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    why dont you just set you MFP profile to lose 1lb/week and eat what it says + exercise calories?
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    why dont you just set you MFP profile to lose 1lb/week and eat what it says + exercise calories?

    That plan is so crazy that it just might work!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    why dont you just set you MFP profile to lose 1lb/week and eat what it says + exercise calories?

    That plan is so crazy that it just might work!
    every so often i come up with a good one ;)
  • Hey, most calorie calculators are confusing 1100 calories is too few. You should head on to & use their calculator as it's very accurate & highly customizable
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i eat 1200 calories a day and will go up to 1400 at times.. if i work out alot i do not eat those extra calories.. i might eat extra if my body tells me it needs more . listen to your body . if you are truly hungry then have something to eat . yesterday i went out to dinner and ate pretty wisely but had a ton of extra calories to use if iwanted and i used some of them . other than that i stick to the original calorie plan. eat healthy and fill your body up with the right nutrients and nine out of ten times you wont be hungry
  • uts52
    uts52 Posts: 13
    thank you all. i am eating what my MFP goal amount, which BMR + exercise cal. See if i can loose.
    As to eat what my body tells me, oh if only it were that easy, I wouldn't be here. I eat because I love to eat.