Looking for friends


I am 35 and going to try to lose the baby weight i put on while pregnant (ok my eldest is 13 and youngest almost 10 but hey it's still baby weight!)

I currently sit at 115kg and size 18-20, before i had kids i weighted about 63kg at my heaviest and wore a size 10 - 12.

Now i am under no illusion i will ever get back to that size and shape i was before kids but i would like to lose at least 40kg by Christmas 2012 to become healthier, i have diabeties on both side of my family and would like to stop it before it becomes a problem.

I am looking for friend that have a similar amount to lose to her keep me going and that i can encourage along the way. So i would love to here from other's that are trying to lose weight or have done it...

I will be keeping my blog along the way to note my success and failures. Add me if you like...

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  • luv2Bsilly
    luv2Bsilly Posts: 18 Member
    Hi...I just joined last week...sending you a friend request. Good luck to you!!!
  • Ryder9902
    Ryder9902 Posts: 22 Member
    Oh girl, I feel your pain. My oldest is 12, middle 9 and youngest 2. Feel free to add me and we can shed the weight together.