Easy breakfast ideas?

I always have trouble finding something healthy to eat in the morning before school. I don't have much time to prepare anything, so does anybody have any quick but healthy suggestions for breakfast? :)


  • Tainers
    Tainers Posts: 21
    I usually do a protein shake and string cheese on the days I dont have enough time....I often go with 2 scoops in my shake instead of one and add some ice!!!
  • shovav91
    shovav91 Posts: 2,335 Member
    Greek yogurt! It's packed with protein and will keep you going for a while :D
  • KatieCuth
    KatieCuth Posts: 569 Member
    Baked beans with vegetarian sausage...

    that is what I had today... mmmmmm
  • nicmc1978
    nicmc1978 Posts: 10 Member
    My favourite is a small bowl of shreddies with a few crushed walnuts + almonds. keeps me going for ages. Either that or the oats so simple porridge. dead easy.
  • crewsicka
    crewsicka Posts: 105 Member
    Couple sausage egg McMuffins with hashbrowns and a diet coke.
  • cdbravo
    cdbravo Posts: 41 Member
    I make an egg white omelet with spicy chicken sausage, bell peppers and 2% cheese. It has under 250 calories and keeps me full all day. I make 5 of them on Sunday night and put them in ziplocks so that I can pop one in the microwave for one minute in the morning before work. They are awesome and it only takes about 20 minutes to make 5 on Sunday night. :)
  • tinkerpuppet
    tinkerpuppet Posts: 40 Member
    1/2 toasted blueberry bagel with pot of yogurt on the side if I have time to toast! Or 1.5 servings of raisin bran on my rushed mornings.
  • LighterThanAir1997
    Sometimes I have a natural unsweetened apple sauce cup...but lately I've been having Chobani Greek Yogurt. They have tonsss of flavors and are DELICIOUS! coming from a person who doesn't like yogurt much. the only downside is they're slightly expensive...but both are under 200cal each
  • nicmc1978
    nicmc1978 Posts: 10 Member
    Couple sausage egg McMuffins with hashbrowns and a diet coke.

    Haha if only.
  • Hollie_downunder
    2 Eggs scrambled (in the microwave when rushed takes about 80 seconds if that!)
    on 1 slice wholegrain toast

    greek yoghurt is awesome as mentioned before! love it with frozen blueberries/raspberries or chopped banana

    If i'm really rushed i eat my brekkie at work, always keep a box of Special K in my draw and eat that at my desk :)
  • BranMuffin21
    BranMuffin21 Posts: 157 Member
    Bowl of Cereal and Skim Milk? No effort there.
  • Corryn78
    Corryn78 Posts: 215
    Morningstar Farms Spicy vegetarian sausage patty (1 minute in the microwave), banana and toast.
  • ChelleBalady
    Protein shake with added frozen berries or 2 hard boiled egg whites with some turkey deli meat & baby carrots if I am really rushed
  • purplefreak60
    purplefreak60 Posts: 47 Member
    Green & Fruity Smoothie
    1 Cup Almond Unsweetened Milk
    1 Cup Fage Greek Yogurt Plain 0%
    1 Cup Frozen Strawberries
    1 Small Banana
    1 Cup Kale (or Spinach)

    Very quick, filling and you can take it with you.
  • jessnjosh319
    jessnjosh319 Posts: 2 Member
    You can do lean pockets... they have a feew breakfast hot pockets that are pretty tasty and under 250 in calories.... and they only take 2 min to cook! lol
  • sandraearley
    Steel cut oats made on sunday night . A cup of oats with 4 cups of water bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes.Cool for 20 and refrigerate in a container and scoop out desired amount into a cup or little bowl and mic for 50 seconds.I add a little soy milk and honey or brown sugar and sliced bananas with about 6 almonds or walnuts and its that fast .Should keep you for at least 2 or 3 three hours.Mic the oats first then add the milk or whatever you prefer in your oatmeal.It will keep all week long.:wink:Don't forget to add a little salt.1/4 of a teaspoon will make all the difference
  • dlei456
    dlei456 Posts: 201 Member
    Steel cut oats made on sunday night . A cup of oats with 4 cups of water bring to a boil and then simmer for 30 minutes.Cool for 20 and refrigerate in a container and scoop out desired amount into a cup or little bowl and mic for 50 seconds.I add a little soy milk and honey or brown sugar and sliced bananas with about 6 almonds or walnuts and its that fast .Should keep you for at least 2 or 3 three hours.Mic the oats first then add the milk or whatever you prefer in your oatmeal.It will keep all week long.:wink:Don't forget to add a little salt.1/4 of a teaspoon will make all the difference

    Love steel cut oats! You can also make these the night before in a slow cooker in a 1-3 ratio of oats to water... Really super easy and it is ready when you wake up! No reheating necessary!
  • naralda
    naralda Posts: 1 Member
    quick cooking oatmeal in the microwave then add some whey powder and a little milk.
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Scrambled eggs, greek yogurt, salsa, almonds, fruit, cottage cheese. I eat at least one or two of those every morning, if not the whole bunch.
  • sjv1966
    sjv1966 Posts: 121 Member
    Most mornings I have a piece of fruit at home while I'm rushing around getting ready.. Then when I get to work I get a granola bar out of the snack machine and have it with my morning coffee. Breaking breakfast up into two parts keeps me from wanting a mid-morning snack.

    And why, you may ask, do I get the granola bar out of the snack machine where it costs twice what it would cost to get a box of them at the grocery store? Because if I have a box of granola bars I will eat the whole box. :-)

    If you feel like you want more how about a hard boiled egg? Boil up a dozen -- they keep for a long time in the fridge and if you don't have time to eat it at home you can take it with you.

    Another suggestion -- english muffin with sugar free jelly and/or some low fat cream cheese. English muffins are shockingly low in calories!