Preparing for wisdom tooth surgery



  • Kirsty_UK
    Kirsty_UK Posts: 965 Member
    Wisdom tooth removal can vary so much. How are you having it done?

    I had one taken out at the dentists with just an injection. It took 30 seconds and I was able to eat again after one soup meal as long as I didn't chew on that part.

    I had two others out under general anaesthetic at the hospital, and they had to be stiched up afterwards. That was a few days of soft food.

    So it really depends.
  • bsalis76
    I had all mine removed.

    Is your dentist doing all 4? ... since I had one side then the other done.
    That way i was sort-of able to chew a little on one side with much care.
  • havalinaaa
    havalinaaa Posts: 333 Member
    Thanks everyone for the ideas/personal experiences!

    I'm having two out next week and then the other two out in a few months. I just turned 30 and my wisdom teeth have been a problem since my early 20's, just never enough of a problem to get them out money wise (no insurance). They're doing them two at a time because they're worried about the roots being really hard to get and wanting to let me have one side to chew on. Still not sure if I'll go under general anesthesia or just do it on gas and valium, waiting for the oral surgeon to look over my second set of xrays to figure how long it will take - the longer it takes the more likely I'll go under.
  • RDalton84
    RDalton84 Posts: 207
    I am 27 and just had my wisdom teeth removed last spring. My recovery was super easy. I pretty much lived on jello and pudding cups. My surgeon told me to avoid using a straw for at least a week and not to have anything super hot so I tried to stay away from soups. I was RELIGIOUS about taking ibuprofen and tylenol. Every 4 hours I was taking SOMETHING and I never had to use the prescribed pain killers. The antibiotic I had to take was the worst, had a funky taste lol. Good luck!!
  • smae1980
    smae1980 Posts: 794 Member
    so when do your wisdom teeth start coming out? i still don't have them, i think......

    At your age you can have a paoramic x ray done at your dentists office to see if you have 3rd molars that haven't errupted yet. they will also be able to tell if they are impacted which basically means that they are positioned improperly and cannot erupt normally or at all. Or you may be one of the small percentage of people who don't have them and never will.