Best diet?



  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The best diet is the one that you can adhere to, whether that be low carb, paleo etc,

    ACG, its interesting you of all people say this - why do you spit back responses to those who say they do low carb and quote several scientific sources saying that what they're doing is "wrong"? Try to educate people against something, whether written science proves it or not (and goes against an MFPer's else's own results, mind you - they're not in those studies and neither are you) and then saying "whatever you can adhere to" is hypocrisy and quite frankly, makes you look like an *kitten*.

    Just my two cents. If you really want to HELP people - Educate those who are asking. Not those who are spewing "misinformation".

    I spit back responses to those who spread misinformation. Maybe you should go back and read them again, when have i said any diet doesn't work or it's wrong? As for low carb, i do point out that if they have no existing metabolic condition that requires them to limit their carbs, to look at a more balanced diet, not because low carb doesn't work but because of adherence. The more restrictive diets are the worst in terms of adherence. So I think i've been pretty consistent
  • LadyKT
    LadyKT Posts: 287 Member

    I spit back responses to those who spread misinformation. Maybe you should go back and read them again, when have i said any diet doesn't work or it's wrong? As for low carb, i do point out that if they have no existing metabolic condition that requires them to limit their carbs, to look at a more balanced diet, not because low carb doesn't work but because of adherence. The more restrictive diets are the worst in terms of adherence. So I think i've been pretty consistent

    You can believe what you want; what works for some may not work for others. You have to be a little bit more open-minded when dealing people on this site. If something is working for someone - why try to prove them wrong? If it's working for them, IT IS WORKING FOR THEM. Try being a little bit more supportive, whether or not you agree with their way of eating. Make friends, not enemies.

    Edit: When you throw science in someone's face, it pretty much screams "WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WRONG!". Metabolic, ketogenic, etc, whatever, who cares, results are results. Just applaud and do your thing. They'll do theirs.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member

    I spit back responses to those who spread misinformation. Maybe you should go back and read them again, when have i said any diet doesn't work or it's wrong? As for low carb, i do point out that if they have no existing metabolic condition that requires them to limit their carbs, to look at a more balanced diet, not because low carb doesn't work but because of adherence. The more restrictive diets are the worst in terms of adherence. So I think i've been pretty consistent

    You can believe what you want; what works for some may not work for others. You have to be a little bit more open-minded when dealing people on this site. If something is working for someone - why try to prove them wrong? If it's working for them, IT IS WORKING FOR THEM. Try being a little bit more supportive, whether or not you agree with their way of eating. Make friends, not enemies.

    Edit: When you throw science in someone's face, it pretty much screams "WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS WRONG!". Metabolic, ketogenic, etc, whatever, who cares, results are results. Just applaud and do your thing. They'll do theirs

    You see there is a profound difference with someone saying "I'm losing weight and eating 6 times a day" and "I'm losing weight eating 6 times a day because it speeds up my metabolism" 2 totally different statements and one furthers a nutritional myth, if i see something like that, i point that that kind of thinking is faulty and why it is faulty. You don't see me saying it doesn't work, and more people will learn from people pointing out people's misinformation vs just sitting back and applauding as you say.

    If i present a study to someone, it doesn't say what you're doing is wrong, it says part of something you said is incorrect and this is why. Again 2 totally different things. It teaches someone and gives them more knowledge, which is something you're apparently against.

    So if you saw someone doing HCG and eating 200 cals a day, but they were losing weight, you'd just applaud them, because "results are results"