Post Pregnancy Weight Loss



  • jenniefromtherock
    jenniefromtherock Posts: 80 Member
    I gained about 35 lbs when I was pregnant with my son, when I went back for my 1 week checkup after he was born I was actually 12 lbs less than when I first got pregnant! I could not eat chocolate when I was pregnant!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    I gained about 35 lbs when I was pregnant with my son, when I went back for my 1 week checkup after he was born I was actually 12 lbs less than when I first got pregnant! I could not eat chocolate when I was pregnant!

    Same with the chocolate. I weighed the same or less by the time I had my first checkups. With my youngest I actually weighed the same the day before she was born.
    I disagree. I weighed the same thing nine months pregnant as I did when my son was seven months old. I did this with all my pregnancies . I started my weight loss journey when my son was seven months old.

    You might have weighed the same but I doubt you looked the same. I know that even though I never gained any weight with my youngest my waist sure was larger! The photo of me in the hospital after her birth makes me look like I'm still pregnant!
  • ItsJustK
    ItsJustK Posts: 159 Member
    I wish I could pop a baby out right now, so I could lose the 30lbs quick.
  • dollipop
    dollipop Posts: 379 Member
    Agreed. I dropped the weight within like 3 weeks after I had my kids - without any effort at ALL. My body had simply held on to that weight for the babys sake, once the baby was out, so was the weight. Now, the weight I gained between pregnancies....different story. 2 years later and I'm still trying to get it off!!
    Oh gawd - me too, but it's 5 years and no second baby! :sad:
  • sejalmehra
    sejalmehra Posts: 5 Member
    I gained 50plus lbs with each of my 2 pregnancies. I lost it all with my first when he was 7-8 months old. It came off slowly but naturally. I sort of watched what I ate and walked a lot but that's it.

    Now, 2 years later and with a 2 month old I have 35 lbs to still lose to get back to pp weight. I think it's going to be harder this time!
  • I agree that it's really unrealistic how these celebrity women can 'bounce back' so fast..

    I lost all of my baby weight within two weeks of having her.. but my body is forever changed. My hips are a lot wider, my breasts are HUGE and I've got a little baby pouch that looks like I'm still 5 months pregnant, and I had her 3 months ago.. But all of the weight is gone.

    I know genetics has a lot to do with it, but it seems like us non-celebrity women were dealt a poorer (I'm honestly not sure if that's a word or not o_O I think it is but I feel pretty dumb right now..) hand than the celebrities were. A lot of them you can't even tell they've had children.
  • loved1
    loved1 Posts: 206 Member
    I think it's misleading to have an ad that includes baby weight in the weight loss number since a significant portion of it drops away naturally. For example, I saw an article talking about Mariah Carey's "staggering 30 pound baby weight loss in 3 months." She would have dropped a significant amount of weight after giving birth to twins. Plus I think there's a good chance that Mariah had a tummy tuck after giving birth.

    I lost most of my baby weight within the first few weeks naturally, but I did not have my shape back & my weight gradually increased because of the lifestyle change when I returned to work. My normal routine used to be long runs & 2 hours of gym classes.