


  • julia80
    julia80 Posts: 69 Member
    Research shows that heavy daily drinkers do not get fat from all the booze they drink, so what you need to do is become a serious alcoholic. I had a friend in college who was a Zima alcoholic and she had the figure of a gymnast. And that was on Zima! Of course, she eventually found that alcohol could no longer control her schitzophrenia so she had to check into a mental institution and got all bloated from the lithium. However, she got through college looking totally hot and graduated with a high GPA.

    Excellent. :D
  • MyLushBoxBarbz
    Being a student is the main reason I have put on so much weight!! Binge drinking 3-4 times a week in first year!

    However now I'm only going out around once a week or sometimes every two weeks.

    I'm not sure about the calories but I try pre-drinking on vodka and diet coke, the taste is horrible but it contains few calories.

    Then when i'm out I try sticking to shots which cuts out the calories in mixers.

    The worst part is avoiding food on the way home!
  • TinaLTaylor79
    TinaLTaylor79 Posts: 140 Member
    If i drink, i log it right down to how many exact! Just workout hard the day you know you will have a night out and eat really clean that day! When i have a night out, i have Rum & Diet coke with a squeeze of lime...under 80 cals per drink!
  • _trickpie
    I've never been a big boozer (I'm prone to the occasional party binge once every few months, but I'm not a "one every night" kind of person) but right before my friend and I decided to get focused on getting fit and healthy this year, I committed myself to doing Ginuary (see, drinking gin every day! I'm a big fan of gin but I don't think I've ever gone 31 straight days of drinking alcohol in my life, hahaha. Eleven drinks to go, and then I'll probably go back to having one drink a week or so. Not sure what I'll do when the parties come up... play designated driver for a few months, maybe.
  • Keegan_Wright
    Keegan_Wright Posts: 3 Member
    Saw this post and noticed it's a little old...but heres my 4 cents. I always ask the bartender to pour a quarter shot in my diet mixer. That way I have 1 shot per 4 drinks. I still taste the alcohol and get a little effect but don't get slobbering drunk. I alway tip the bartender good because no matter what I've already saved a bunch of money.