No log day

I will refrain from calling it that other term. I was looking forward too and was going to have one of those days this weekend after grinding the past couple weeks.
I have been losing but just a little. I have been at it for almost 45 days with 4 pounds lost to show. The clothes still fit the same and I still look the same.
My feeling is a no log day is important every once in awhile just to shake things up serve as a reward for hard work.
I am thinking of switching my reward/no log day from a time frame basis to a weight lost basis. A gift after the first 10 pounds and 5 thereafter.
What is everyone else's thoughts, feelings. What has worked, what hasn't.
Thanks for the ear. Have a great day.


  • I allow myself one day each week to go way over my calorie allowance. I need this. Otherwise I would be miserable. I keep myself composed all week by knowing that one weekend day I will eat some foods I love. I still try to control myself on that day so I still log it but I let go at one meal and just enjoy (think a burrito and margarita!). I usually pick a day that I know I will be dining out or going to a party. So I guess I am probably not a good influence!!!

    However, I think you are totally entitled to a no log day every one in a while. I did it on Christmas Eve and Christmas.