


  • lisarae
    lisarae Posts: 113
    I have two toddlers. No way I can work out when I get home. I get up at 4:30 AM to work out. Sick, I know, but that is the only time that will stick for me. When the weather gets better here in Iowa I will take the kids in the jogger for a walk after school. Otherwise, it's just me and my exercise DVD's WAY too early in the morning. However, I do have TONS more energy every day. On the negative side, I'm wiped by 8 PM and get into bed not too soon after the kids. On the weekends my awesome hubby tells me to get out and go for a long run. God bless him...
  • turtle31
    turtle31 Posts: 151 Member
    I try to work out before school, I'm to tired after. I try 3 days a week and then on saturday.
    WE ARE ON SPRING BREAK ALSO!! Thank the lord for kids and school districts!:wink:
  • We are playing The Biggest Loser Couples at my school. We decided to do couples so that we could motivate each other. Each Friday, we weigh in with the school nurse before the bell rings. The nurse figures out the percentage lost by each team. The winning team gets to wear jeans one day the following week (thats a cool prize because we are not normally allowed jeans at my school). We are having so much fun eating healthy at lunch and walking at recess together. We also like to torment each other by sending along the cute little cupcakes from kids with birthdays to another team.

    Also, our local YMCA has provided a discount for membership for school employees. They have exercise classes after school at some of the schools. We got a free personal training and nutritional consult, too. I am really busy as an elementary teacher w/4 of my own kids. A few mornings a week, I walk on the treadmill before everyone gets up in the morning. Then, I go to one class a week at the Y (I pick something fun for me like Zumba) and I do 2 weight training sessions. I figure getting there 2-3 times a week is reasonable considering how busy my life is right now.
  • cantwaitk8
    cantwaitk8 Posts: 28 Member
    I am a teacher and I have decided that I am going to put me first! So no matter what I always get in my workout. Usually at the end of the day. I take my 1 year old daughter to the nursery and do atleast 30 min. I workout on Sat and Sun as well. I have actually decided that I am changing careers. I am tired of never finishing my work. Next year I am going to start nursing school to be an RN.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    It's spring break for us - how about you?
    I'm curious to see how other districts handle vacation schedules.
    This week isn't at the end of a semester or a trimester or anything - I can't figure out why we do this.

    Not until April for us! :grumble: Then the day we get back, all the RIF'd people will be in court for the hearing process. fun...NOT!!!

    I hope you are enjoying your break...what have you been doing???:flowerforyou:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    My sister & I just got back from the beach. Lots of walking & sightseeing, eating fish & watching the waves! :bigsmile:
    It was nice. Hubby has to work this week,but we'll have this weekend together.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    My sister & I just got back from the beach. Lots of walking & sightseeing, eating fish & watching the waves! :bigsmile:
    It was nice. Hubby has to work this week,but we'll have this weekend together.
    Sounds like my kind of Spring Break!!!! :smile: I'm glad you're having fun...I will soon!!! We're going to Tahoe, adn I can't wait!!!!:smile:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I only teach 3 periods and am done at 3pm so I work out on my way home from school. The gym is pretty much empty so I get my hour in easy!:bigsmile:
  • kmgoff30
    kmgoff30 Posts: 2
    I have a standing non-negotiable appointment with myself every night at 9:00. My husband & 4yo have figured it out and don't disturb me. I use my wii My Fitness Coach which can be tough because Maya likes to kick my rear! I had to make the decision that there was nothing else more important than my health and as Nike says "Just Do It!" I've kept up with it since we came back from Christmas break. There have only been a couple of days that I've missed due to illness or vacation. (Maya doesn't like it when you skip out on your commitment) I'm tired and drained some days but I just try my best to plow on through the workout.
  • Amy_B
    Amy_B Posts: 2,317 Member
    I try to get it in in the morning. Of course, it works better when you live on ET and teach on CT (before we moved & before my last pregnancy).
  • I wake up at 5:00 am and go to the gym. Then I come home by 6:30, wake the kids, ages 9 and 14. Then I make lunches and get ready for work. Although my wife takes the kids to work, I am at work (2o min away) by about 7:15 each morning.
  • Skinnytime
    Skinnytime Posts: 279
    Hi guys - this is my first post.
    When I was teaching, I would either work out first thing in the morning - hit the gym at 6:00 or work out at about 6:00 or 7:00 pm and then have dinner. I did more of the evening work outs, as I think about it. I also would do an evening (6:00) work out on a Saturday - they gym was dead, then.
    It helpd that my boyfriend at the time (now, my husband) and I used to have gym dates and we worked out together.

    Everybody's schedue is different. Actually sit down and write out what you do and the times. Then look closely at it and see if you can't find an hour in the late afternoon or early evening, especially those of you who are not able to exercise in the am.
  • zippitydo
    zippitydo Posts: 62
    Our (male) PE coaches have a "boot camp" on Tuesdays and Thursdays for us after school. They love to be able to yell at the teachers and not get in trouble especially the Principal. We also have kickball or volleyball on Fridays after school. We start a district wide kickball tournament this weekend.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    Our (male) PE coaches have a "boot camp" on Tuesdays and Thursdays for us after school. They love to be able to yell at the teachers and not get in trouble especially the Principal. We also have kickball or volleyball on Fridays after school. We start a district wide kickball tournament this weekend.

    What a great idea!!!!
  • mmarks
    mmarks Posts: 4
    I'm a teacher and i have the same problem. I recently started wearing a pedometer to school and I was suprised to find out I was walking over 1.5 miles every day just doing those every day task like walking around the classroom, walking to the copier, recess duty etc. When I push my self by grabbing a quick snack and walking around campus during our 30 min lunch break. I get over 2 miles. I've also found other creative ways like parking at the end of the parking lot when I have to pick up groceries and making my self walk. I know I need to set up a solid fitness routine with some good cardio and strength trainiing and I will, but every little bit helps. Your probably doing more than you realize. :smile:
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    My pedometer shows right around 2 miles on a regular school day.
  • MyQuinney
    MyQuinney Posts: 42
    The teachers and I at my school work out everyday right after school lets out. Then one of the teachers and I run 4 times a week later that evening. We're planning to start the 30 day shred as our after school workout. We're addicted at this point and feel that we hate to miss our workout after school. Believe it or not, it almost refreshes you after a day with all the kids!
  • calico
    calico Posts: 7
    I take my gym bag with me to school and go straight to the gym after school. I can't go home first, or I would definitely not make it there!! I walk sneak in an extra mile every week on the day I take the kids outside. I walk around a loop on our playground. The kids usually choose to walk with me too!!
  • ildi007
    ildi007 Posts: 107
    I'm an elementary paraeducator. I work from 8am-4pm. I have a child with severe disabilities, she can only stay with caregivers, no friends, no family, no gym play area takes her. I leave the house with my two other kids at 7:30 am, when the caregiver arrives. I get off work at 4, my two other kids are in the same school, so I have them by my side right away, and I have to rush home to let the caregiver to go home. I'm a single mom, my ex husband is not even in the state.
    Gym doesn't work for me for the above reasons. Going for a walk with a wheelchair...have I mentioned that I live in Alaska and we still have frozen snow up to our knees? For the next 2 months, we'll have mud instead.
    At 5 pm at home, I make dinner, bath everyone, read books, do homework, pay bills, clean house and by 9 pm I'm beat; if you tell me I should work out in the living room just for fun, I will give you "the look".
    I have half an hour for lunch break, and I don't run around, and sit down and take the load off and eat , because if I don't, I will be starving by 9 pm and will eat the pantry out from left to right, top to bottom. It's easy to say I will put myself first, but the truth is, there's no way I will be doing sit-ups while my kid is having seizures, right?
    Sorry about the venting....I'm more motivated than I have the opportunities to prove it. I would love to have a bit of time to work out.
  • Mickie17
    Mickie17 Posts: 559 Member
    I'm an elementary paraeducator. I work from 8am-4pm. I have a child with severe disabilities, she can only stay with caregivers, no friends, no family, no gym play area takes her. I leave the house with my two other kids at 7:30 am, when the caregiver arrives. I get off work at 4, my two other kids are in the same school, so I have them by my side right away, and I have to rush home to let the caregiver to go home. I'm a single mom, my ex husband is not even in the state.
    Gym doesn't work for me for the above reasons. Going for a walk with a wheelchair...have I mentioned that I live in Alaska and we still have frozen snow up to our knees? For the next 2 months, we'll have mud instead.
    At 5 pm at home, I make dinner, bath everyone, read books, do homework, pay bills, clean house and by 9 pm I'm beat; if you tell me I should work out in the living room just for fun, I will give you "the look".
    I have half an hour for lunch break, and I don't run around, and sit down and take the load off and eat , because if I don't, I will be starving by 9 pm and will eat the pantry out from left to right, top to bottom. It's easy to say I will put myself first, but the truth is, there's no way I will be doing sit-ups while my kid is having seizures, right?
    Sorry about the venting....I'm more motivated than I have the opportunities to prove it. I would love to have a bit of time to work out.

    Have things gotten any better? I'm wondering if there are some exercises you can sneak in at work? I seem to have a slammed schedule too, so I'n forced to get up at 5am...and I am NOT a morning person, so it just about kills me. But that way, I'm done exercising before the family starts waking up.
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