Possible to lose 5lbs in a few days?


Over Christmas and New Year I managed to gain a shocking 7lbs, probably because I had two weeks where I literally ate nothing but takeaways/meals out and chocolate (I was very badly behaved). I really indulged myself.

Literally over the last few days I have finally decided to take my weight loss more seriously again, and began exercising for about 30/40 minutes a day on the elliptical trainer, as well as limiting my calorie intake to 1200, with lots of water to drink.

When I weighed myself this morning I've dropped 5lbs, is this even possible? Or are my scales being funny?
I weighed myself several times and tried putting the scales in different places around the bathroom and the number doesn't change, so I don't know what to think!


- note: I'm posting because I'm worried this isn't healthy, unless my body is detoxing from all the bad food.


  • Usbornegal
    Usbornegal Posts: 601 Member
    Take out food is really high in sodium, which leads to water gain. Reducing cals and adding exercise probably reduced your salt as well, so yeah, it's possible. For fat loss you need long term, consistent nutrition control and exercise.