Friends who like to cook healthy foods wanted!



  • njh2008
    njh2008 Posts: 35 Member
    Gorilla- Do you have a recipe for : some jalapeno cole slaw. i dont know how to quote on here!
  • pasturepilot
    pasturepilot Posts: 23 Member
    My sweetie and I do a lot of cooking. Feel free to take a look and try some of our favorites!
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I am not a big measure sort of cook... but

    I shred one head of cabbage, a small head of radicchio (If I am lazy I get the Dole bag already shredded) a large carrot and two Jalapeno.

    I take all the shredded veggies and add in a spoon of Mayo, just enough to moisten everything, a spoon full of white vinegar and a pinch of sugar, Salt and pepper. Sometimes I like to toast sesame seeds and put them in too.

    The key is to make it a day in advance so that the peppers have a chance to spread the heat out. Sometimes I also add in a bit of diced jalapeno just before serving so you get a little fresh burst of pepper too.
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Do you do this in a food processor or by hand? Jalapenos aren't too bad, but I always get this weird chilli burn on my hands for hours after cutting red or green chillis. It smarts!
  • Strobins05
    BBQ can be healthy! (75lb lost certainly seems to suggest you are doing something right - amazing achievement!)

    I do try... My favorite thing to make is pulled pork, on a bun with some jalapeno cole slaw. This weekend I am doing ribs and chili for the Giants game on Sunday. That is why I get up at 6am to run or go to the gym on weekends!
    OMG this sounds soooo delish! May do this with my deer ham this weekend!
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    I would. Love to be friends with all of you.Does everyone have recipes in their logs (box) ? CAN you share them? How do you do that?....
  • ChickaDee2012
    ChickaDee2012 Posts: 49 Member
    Hi all, I think this is a fab idea. Would love to be friends with those who like to cook and cook healthy! Signed, an MFP Foodie...hmmm, maybe we should start a club? Haha!
  • EmilyLStuart
    I want in! I'm suddenly on a cooking roll right now for healthy stuff and would love to see what others come up with. Feel free to friend me :)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    Yes, please add me! I have an open diary, in the US butr I hope that's ok. Not sure if you can see my reicpies, though. Can you?
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    I think when you add a recipe, it just calculates the calories and then treats it as one item - so you can't click on it (even in your own diary) and see the ingredients. They should change this, as I'd love to go 'Ooh, X posted this recipe, I'll click and see what's involved'.

    I seem to remember from WW online that you added the ingredients and a method (this was quite time-consuming, as it often broke and you had to re-submit), but it was better in that you could see the recipe. It also had the function where, if you went into a recipe and edited it (say, increased the amount of one ingredient), the number of calories would update in your diary if you already added it, whereas here currently you have to delete and re-add the recipe.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    I think when you add a recipe, it just calculates the calories and then treats it as one item - so you can't click on it (even in your own diary) and see the ingredients. They should change this, as I'd love to go 'Ooh, X posted this recipe, I'll click and see what's involved'.

    I seem to remember from WW online that you added the ingredients and a method (this was quite time-consuming, as it often broke and you had to re-submit), but it was better in that you could see the recipe. It also had the function where, if you went into a recipe and edited it (say, increased the amount of one ingredient), the number of calories would update in your diary if you already added it, whereas here currently you have to delete and re-add the recipe.

    You can go into the recipe section and re-open one. To see what is in it or make changes. For the most part I have some of my favorite things or base things like my Red Sauce that gets put into so many of my other dishes.

    It would be great if there was a better recipe sharing feature on here though...
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Yep, but am I right that if you say add say 'Spaghetti Bolognese' to your diary for that night, then when you are making it you change the recipe a little, and go into the recipe to edit it - it doesn't automatically update the new calorie total in your diary. You need to delete and re-enter the edited recipe, right?

    Also, if you do an alternative to a regular recipe, it would be useful to copy the recipe and have two versions. So for instance I make this Asian noodle soup with Pork and Lemongrass meatballs. One night I made turkey meatballs instead - I had to change the original recipe to turkey, rather than being able to copy and have two - one pork, one turkey.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,052 Member
    Yep, but am I right that if you say add say 'Spaghetti Bolognese' to your diary for that night, then when you are making it you change the recipe a little, and go into the recipe to edit it - it doesn't automatically update the new calorie total in your diary. You need to delete and re-enter the edited recipe, right?

    Also, if you do an alternative to a regular recipe, it would be useful to copy the recipe and have two versions. So for instance I make this Asian noodle soup with Pork and Lemongrass meatballs. One night I made turkey meatballs instead - I had to change the original recipe to turkey, rather than being able to copy and have two - one pork, one turkey.

    That is true, if you change the recipe it does not back change in your diary. Which is helpful if you are tracking over a long time... you would not want to change the calories you had a month ago.

    Pork and Lemongrass meatballs sound great!
  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    I'm cunfused..does this mean we can,or can not see each others recipes ? ..if so,How???
    I just figured out last night,how to see MY ingredients,as oposed to just the title to do the input.geeeeze
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Ah, that's true, I never thought of the historical record! Haha! Would still like to be able to copy recipes easily though - and share, as you say.

    Babynew - we can't see each other's recipes. If you add a recipe, and enter it into your diary it just says 'Spanish Omelette' or whatever, with no details. How do you mean, see your ingredients?

    Similarly if someone enters their spanish omelette recipe into the database, you can see the total calories, but not all the ingredients. This seems like an easy thing for them to change one day...
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    I pretty much cook everything from scratch. I am vegetarian, grain free, dairy free, lots of whole foods. I don't have a lot of recipes entered on MFP, I usually am lazy and just go with the closest thing in the MFP database. But if you see an entry in my diary that you want a recipe for, just message me.

    My diary is only open to friends. Let me know who you are when you friend me.

  • babynew
    babynew Posts: 613 Member
    I guess i meant I just learned as Gorilla said,to re open
    My own recipe,to see my ingredients. IT WAS frustrating before, as when i clicked on it to retrieve my ingreds, all i got was my diary input,& had to go hunting for what i made up.I am a lil slow At this..regrettably so. ,but not going to give up.
    Bty love to know your B. Gnochi..:tongue::flowerforyou:
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    Ah I see what you mean. Gnocchi are dead simple, but take a while and make a mess of your kitchen! With sweet potatoes, you boil or bake until soft, then add plain flour until you get a dough-like consistency (it's never the same amount because it depends on the size of your potato/es). You can add parmesan and a little grated nutmeg if you like. You then roll out long tubes and cut off small pieces (about 50p piece), which you squish with a fork. Then boil in a large pan of water - when they float, they're done! Toss with anything like roast veg, roast garlic, spinach, rocket, ricotta, mozzarella, goat's cheese, basil, cherry tomatoes etc etc (not ALL of these, obviously!). One potato goes really far because of the flour, but have a small portion, as they are REALLY filling.
  • lornabug
    I love to cook, and am just starting to get back into it since I've been on MFP. I got the America's Test Kitchen Light & Healthy cookbook. It's an annual publication where they revamp some of the year's favorite recipes to be low cal but still best flavor. So far I've been thrilled with it!

    I recently made a famous mac & cheese recipe with 1lb of cheese just to see if I could eat a regular sized portion and work it into my diary. It was only 500 calories a serving and totally doable! Sometimes healthy cooking boils down to just portion size I guess.

    I love to get ideas from people so feel free to add me! My food diary is also public.
  • Crystllvlnd
    Crystllvlnd Posts: 4 Member
    HI, I am in the states but love to cook it has been challenging to find new interesting meals that are healthy so I would love to see some of your ideas, and I will put some of mine in here also. I am new so just getting the hang of MFP but I do already have one recipe that I tried and it was great. Feel free to take a look and anyone who wants to add me as a friend I need all the support I can get..
    Thank you :)