In Dire Need of Motivation/Support

Okay, so first off - I've been through stages of actually doing well at losing weight. I've struggled with it my entire life, and in my second year at university, I somehow (literally without trying, just walking more to and from classes) dropped 30lbs, going from 210 lbs to 180lbs.

Now that I'm trying to lose weight again, my weight keeps fluctuating up and down between 180lbs and 190lbs. It will occasionally get to 179, then bounce back to 182. MyFitnessPal has really helped in the past, but I guess I find it really hard to get support from those around me (through me not wanting to discuss it openly, not that they are unsupportive) and so find it hard to keep consistant. This last week I've hit a real low, thinking I hadn't put on weight over Christmas, then suddenly shooting back up from 185 to 190 out of no where.

I'd really like to lose weight, for good this time, and would love it if someone fancied coming up with a mutual goal that we could support each other with. Any takers?

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