The only way i'm gonna do this is if i'm locked in a cell



  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    I cant live on these calories. The only possible way would to be locked in a boot camp or prison. With a personal trainer live in 24/7 and another person who was doinjg exactly the same suffering the same stuff. And i've got a pregnanat wife munchung away like there's no tomorrow.

    Please incarcerate me and let me come our in one years time like Ivan Drago of ~Rocky 4. Oh my god!!!

    Lock me up in there with you :(

    I have been struggling for almost a year now. Its just too. damn. hard. Hang in there. There are many more like us. It has to get better!!
  • stacey76
    stacey76 Posts: 66 Member
    Same here!
  • Princess41463
    Princess41463 Posts: 39 Member
    I couldn't do it on my own at first I joined Jenny Craig. For about four months I've been, for the most part, eating the pre-packaged meals - and supplementing it with lots of salad, eating fresh carrots, celery, cucumbers as snacks all day, etc. Now that I'm more used to it I'm starting to make meals on my own and have joined a gym. By tracking my workouts and food intake I'm focusing more on that than I am on what I've given up. I'm also collecting pictures of what I want to look like and pairing them with motivational quotes. I look at them and read them every day. One of my favorite ones is a girl who is completely fit - the quote is "YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU WISH FOR...YOU GET WHAT YOU WORK FOR!" It's working for me so far. Best of luck to you.
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    I agree, if you don't have the motivation bug this won't work. Step back and wait. When you're sick and tired of yourself you'll come back. Good luck!
  • Cathy_ann913
    Cathy_ann913 Posts: 59 Member
    Good idea, I like it!
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    One thing that may help is eating less carbs. Eat more protein. I believe that when you eat carbs it jacks your blood sugar level up and when it crashes, you feel hungry again. Eating a low-carb diet results in a more stable BSL which means you don't get soul-sappingly hungry.
  • Babzl1957
    Babzl1957 Posts: 37 Member
    :heart: Hi Fella,

    You might want to change your name first as that sounds defeatist and shows low self esteem before you start! You need to increase your cals so that you can eat more healthy foods. An average man that doesn't work out usually eats around 3000 cals a day. It's up to you whether you eat that much and work out, or drop to 2000 cals and not work out.

    I started here in October, after years of slimming clubs, fad diets etc and I have never found such a great group of people who encorouge and support not just me but everyone on here through everyday temptations, troubles, and worries. This last christmas I got through with eating and drinking what I wanted but just had less of it. Now I am back on track, looking forward to loosing 100lbs or 6stone depending on where you come from.

    Please give yourself a chance, and this website, because it really does work, and we are all here for you as friends and will help you, Please add me as a friend if you wish, and learn to love yourself a bit more. You are not pathetic, you are just honest for admitting you have aproblem and want help with it. Luvs ya Buddy.... Babz
  • jndavi
    jndavi Posts: 3
    I live with my little brother is taking a steroid medicine right now and he's eating like NO TOMORROW so I know how that can feel. When I don't want to snack, I try to remove myself and keep myself busy. I'll either go into my room and get really focused in on an activity, telling myself I'm only going to leave for water and the bathroom, or I'll leave the house without my money-go for a walk, go read in a park, go run errands, etc. Eventually you'll get in the hang of it.
    Another thing I tell myself when I really want a snack or treat that would be horrible for my diet is if I'm in doubt, or I really have to think about it, then just say no.
    You'll get the hang of it after a while and you wont have to make such conscious efforts to avoid snacking on unhealthy foods. Find healthy replacements when you really are hungry and you'll be set.
    Good luck!!
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    Also keep in mind that MFP allows you to eat back your exercise calories, so go work out! Get on the treadmill or stationary bike and work up a sweat for 45 mins. That will give you a nice chunk of extra calories to eat (not to mention what it does for your fat loss and metabolism and general fitness).
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    You've had some great advice here, and you've changed your goal to something a little easier to handle, so I think you're on the right track.

    You might want to read "Volumetrics". I just recently finished it, and it has some great ideas for feeling full on fewer calories.

    Hang in there. Studies show that even just by logging our foods, we eat less, so start with that, not even restricting yourself, just logging and observing what you are eating. Then start cutting down the portions on higher-calorie foods, or replacing them with foods naturally lower in calories. You can probably knock a good number of calories off just by doing that. But you are right, if you restrict your calories too much, you are just setting yourself up for failure. Good for you for recognizing that.

  • belinda_b
    belinda_b Posts: 70 Member
    1200 is way too low for a man. Eat more!

  • tecallahan
    tecallahan Posts: 732 Member
    1200 is way too low for a man. Eat more!

    This! 1200 is minimum for a small woman. You need to eat more! And make a lot of it green, leafy vegetables -- they will fill you up!
  • marloorchard
    Some days I feel exactly the same way. I've found that routine has helped me - in addition to the help of myfitnesspal. I usually eat the same thing(s) for several days and then switch it up...the key is to FIND the satisfying foods! They are out there! My food diary is open to my friends. Check out what other people are eating. It could help in making new choices. Good luck.