Newbie :)


Well heres where I sound self obsessed and talk about me... But then again it says introduce yourself.

My names Holly. Im 25, 5ft1 and 90kg. I need to lose weight for my health and for my daughter. I dont want her to be bullied when she starts school because of her mums size.

Im struggling to lose weight. Ive had most tests going. Im on antidepressants so things get me down easy. I just need help. A friendly push not someone who just expects me to have cash to spare to do all these diet classes. I have to do this on my own back.

Im adicted to fizzy pop and my partner is rationing them down to 2 a day but I know I shouldnt have any.

So any friends who feel the same or feel like helping me along in my very hard journey are welcome.

Ive finished boring you all. Just felt like saying everything and apologise for my bad grammar.