Five Finger Shoes



  • YassSpartan
    YassSpartan Posts: 1,195 Member
    I got my Vibram Five Fingers shoes probably a year a go or so. My experience with them are the best so far. I do gotta say, the first week and maybe second (depending on how much you wear them) you will experience soreness and plantar pain. Basically your feet are getting used to them, using muscles you've never used before, getting stronger in all sense. Today, I don't feel comfortable using any regular shoes to workout or run, I feel like I'm wearing boxes instead of shoes when I workout with anything other than with my Vibrams. I'm even planning on getting another pair just to go hiking since the sole is a little bit thicker.

    I've read reviews about the Fila imitation of the five fingers and so far most are far from being good.
  • scott091501
    scott091501 Posts: 1,260 Member
    Go to a running specialty store. They should do a "fitting". Basically a brief interview of why you're looking for new shoes, the intended purpose, etc. They'll then look at your running gait and suggest several options. Ask them. That said all minimalist shoes will require mid to forefoot striking or you will get knee and back pain. They also use muscles in your feet and calves that you've never used before due to the stability aspects built in to a traditional recreational running shoe. Most people take a while to transition. Starting with walking in the Vibrams to short runs to becoming their primary shoe. Just be aware that they are not for everyone.
  • Melisa25
    LOVE MINE...I've had them for almost two years. Do yourself a favor (your body will thank you!) and start SLOWLY. You need to strengthen tendons, muscles and ligaments in your foot that are weakened from lack of use. They are great!

    I also love mine. But you have to break them in slow. One hour max per day until your use to them. I use them in the gym.
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    If you can sacrifice your normal distance and spend 6-8 weeks building up the miles, then i'd highly recommend the vibrams. I purchased a pair a few years back and had no patience with building miles in them. I wanted to go out and run a 10k the first day and that wasn't going to happen. So, they stayed in the closet while I pounded the pavement in my Addidas. Well, this january we got a new 3 month old great dane. We also have a 18 month old great dane who would run with me everytime I went out. Once the puppy got all her shots I knew I had to start her out slow on the trail (2 miles or so) so I dusted off the vibrams and started building with my pup. I'll never go back! I've always had knee and hip aches after anything over 4 miles. Not debilitating, but definintely uncomfortable and "ice" worthy. My stride and foot strike has completely changed. My hips have gotten stronger and, obviously, my feet, ankles and calves have been strengthened. As a dedicated strength trainer and runner, why would I leave the one thing that carries me all day out of the equation? Your feet are the base of your fitness. You're only as strong as they are.