Anyone find this easier when they're single?

I only moved in with my boyfriend a few months ago, but I distinctly remember it being a lot easier to keep focused when we weren't living together. He always makes elaborate dinners and a baked potato or salmon steak won't satisfy him. He's also got a ridiculous appetite and I find myself mindlessly eating with him whenever he's bought in crisps and snacks etc. I just wish I could find the determination without having to have separate meals etc. Anyone else in a similar situation?


  • unsworthfam
    I completely agree. I won't get up during a movie and pop butter dripping, salt infused popcorn but my hubby will.... I can resist what I don't smell or see, next thing I know I have eaten half the bowl.
  • melissa_e
    I find it helps to whip myself up a big salad or steamed vegetables and start with that, and then have a small portion of the elaborate dinner my partner cooks up. When he starts snacking, get up and make yourself a cup of tea - point is, don't just gaze at what he's eating or have four sad bites, get something else filling and healthful into your hands and munch on that.
  • Lawnbfrench
    I stay off the alcohol and bad food when my mans not around.. but so does he.. hahaha.
    It is easier when single most definately!! I think its more motivational because there is the excitement of meeting someone new
    and looking your best for them,etc etc xx
  • tjpinch
    tjpinch Posts: 87 Member
    I've been married for 5 years, and we lived together for a year before that. I'll admit that about half the time we make separate dinners. He's not willing to eat what I cook for the most part, and I'm not willing to be fat.

    So yes, it was WAY easier single. I still <3 him though!
  • MelHoneyRocks
    My fiance is so supportive, he lifts me up when I cant put the tortilla chips down. He inspires me to get out of bed and get moving and he always, always has my back. There is no way I could do this ...this well without him.
  • TXGirl821
    TXGirl821 Posts: 115
    Oh my god, YES. When my boyfriend goes on his business trips, I am near perfect with my eating and my exercising, because I don't have to worry about what he wants to eat. He's so very anti-veggies, it makes mealtime really really not fun for me, so I just end up eating whatever it is he wants. Even if it's in a smaller portion, I know it's not all that great. I kinda wish he'd go on a longer trip lately! LOL
  • ilikeher
    Being in a relationship made me chubby. We ate out alot, we drank a lot. When we broke up I filled my time with work and the gym and I feel great!!!
  • byoml2013
    I stay off the alcohol and bad food when my mans not around.. but so does he.. hahaha.
    It is easier when single most definately!! I think its more motivational because there is the excitement of meeting someone new
    and looking your best for them,etc etc xx

    I think you're right, I remember buying myself nice outfits and making more of an effort when we first got together. I now spend a LOT of time in his big jumpers and joggies around the house. Oh God. What have I become.
  • mysticwonder
    Yes! I had no problem before husband and I moved in together. We both had horrible eating habits though :(
  • KickingDarkness
    Yes! I started trying to lose weight when I was in a relationship but my boyfriend was a cook which spelled trouble for me. Now that I'm single I have a lot more control about what I eat and am not tempted by those around me.
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Yessss! I would run every night and now...I'm just now getting back into it. It's very hard to do, though. At night, we would eat cheese, crackers, and have a nice glass of wine before dinner. I've tried to cut that out even though he remarks about how much will power I have and has to eat the cheese/crackers by'll get over it when he sees what I look like when all this fat's gone. Just stay strong and don't eat if you aren't hungry!

  • ChristineMarie89
    ChristineMarie89 Posts: 1,142 Member
    with my ex yes it was easier he wuud always tell me how this and tht ws bad ttht i was doing and fattening food galore he didnt wnt me to lose though. now my fiance is on here and i find it easier actually cuz he is supportive and im supportive and we r doing it together and challenging eachother :)
  • twoscimitars
    twoscimitars Posts: 272 Member
    Yes - I had dropped some weight before I met my now husband, and not long after I got back into bad habits and put all of it back on, plus some. He has terrible eating habits, and is also a big guy. One of my largest problems is the cost for 2 people to eat healthy. I can get him to eat healthy things, but the quantities I need to cook for him make it impossible to afford to feed him. I'll eat one 4 oz fish filet where he would need to eat 3. And cooking 2 different meals is tough - I'm eating a healthy meal and he's eating 3 hot dogs. It's a struggle, but I've learned that I will be no good to anyone if I don't get healthier, so I've just started focusing on what I eat, and letting him take care of his own dinners. It's tough, but you just have to be a little selfish when it comes to your health. :)
  • NicolePatriot
    NicolePatriot Posts: 621 Member
    Do you cook? What about trying to make healthy things for dinners? There are some awesome recipes these days to where the person eating it has NO idea it's low-fat.

    My favs are:

    Hope this helps!
  • stewsh
    stewsh Posts: 18 Member
    I was a size 8 while my husband was deployed, he came home and I'm a size 16. I don't blame him (or his amazing cooking abilities) just pointing out the difference.
  • muzix_chick
    muzix_chick Posts: 5 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, my husband is the type who can eat ANYTHING and not gain a pound whereas I look at something and gain 10 lbs. He has learned to eat healthy with me because I ate unhealthy with him since we met lol. It's hard not to give into temptation because he snack all the time, but I just keep thinking that I have come this far, giving in would be a set back. I also agree with Melissa, snack on healthy stuff, eat a salad before hand, ect. It gets easier!:wink: Good luck!
  • MelHoneyRocks
    Curious...seeing all these posts...I specifically said to my fiance. " I need your help and support"
    Now that is love...
    Does anyone do that??
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    Your going to have to break that habit or have him make things that accommodate both of you. I had an ex girl friend who (and I didnt realize this till after we broke up), unknowingly tired to keep up with me when it came to eating. She didn't know why she did it but just did because I had the food and I ate a lot. She gain a lot a weight during that time frame but it also didn't help that I was not eating healthy either.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    I only moved in with my boyfriend a few months ago, but I distinctly remember it being a lot easier to keep focused when we weren't living together. He always makes elaborate dinners and a baked potato or salmon steak won't satisfy him. He's also got a ridiculous appetite and I find myself mindlessly eating with him whenever he's bought in crisps and snacks etc. I just wish I could find the determination without having to have separate meals etc. Anyone else in a similar situation?

    My roommate and his gf do the same thing. I would just sell him.
  • SLaw4215
    SLaw4215 Posts: 596 Member
    My ex- BF used to use MFP and I thought it would be easy because we were both watching our calories and trying to lose weight but our methods of how we went about meeting our goals for the day were very different. He would eat very little all day and make pretty much anything he wanted for dinner because he would exerise and have 3000 calories to use. I would pace myself and try to spread my consumption more evenly throughout the day. It took me all of last year to finally separate myself from the "all {of us}" mind set. All of us succeed or all of us fail mind-set. I was sabataging myself over and over I would be super focussed and disciplined at work (where none of my co-worker care what I've made myself for lunch) and I'd leave work and head home where my boyfriend and kids would pick apart my plan (the menu) to the point where they'd make me so frustrated that I'd just whip out my debit card and head off to the drive-thru. I'm not doing that anymore. I was trying to help all of us eat healthy. This year I've started telling everyone I'mm making what I'm making and if they don't like it they are old enough to cook for themselves. What I'm finding is that they will b*tch they don't want it/they don't like this or that and by the time I'm done cooking they are standing with plates and forks at attention. I guess even "less than desirable [to them]" menu is still better than doing the actual work of planning and cooking a meal themselves LOL