Working Mothers

Ok Ladies I need some support. I have always been overweight all my life. About 5 years ago II had lost about 100 pounds until I then ended up pregnant with my twin girls. From there on I gained everything I had lost back plus some. I am at the heaviest I have ever been. I am unhappy with myself and the life I am living so I finally had enough so I started doing something about it. Well today my husband told me I was being a bad mom/wife because I am not home enough because I am going to the gym. I am so fustrated b/c I feel like I am doing this for my girls. I just want to put this out there to see if there are any other women out there struglling with the same problems and if there is any advise anyone can give me.


  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I'm not a mother yet, but wanted to add my thoughts.

    You're not being a bad mother. An hour at the gym here and there now will give you many extra years to spend with their daughters. If you're honest, your absence now won't have the huge impact you might imagine - they can cope an hour or two without you knowing you'll be home soon. Your absence could have a much bigger impact if it's eternal, starting when they're still quite young - you're being a great mum giving yourself that chance to be there for them, and to improve your fitness and health in the time you have with them now.