Negative calories ok for extremely obese people?



  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    As stated that is likely unsustainable. For that matter the male minimum is 1500 calories net, not 1200. At your weight you should be eating substantially more. I have no idea what your Daily Calorie burn would be, but if you go to your Goals page you will see near the top on the right had side a number for Calories burned from Normal Daily Activity. That is what you would normally burn. You don't generally want the deficit to be larger that 1000 less than that per day without very close observation by medical professionals.
  • I am 29 years old and I started at about 350 lbs. I am now 317 and joined MFP Jan 5th @ 330 lbs. How do you feel about someone my size ending up with negative net calories for the day? I am eating at least 1200 calories but doing a lot of cardio. At first I could not do much but my endurance has built up and I can now do at least 45m on my stationary bike. At my weight I can burn over 1,000 calories in a day, easily and I know this diet and exercise plan can not last forever but I figure for a few more weeks it will be fine.
    I honestly thinks its awesome but when you lose more weight and you get to a point of plateau what will you do? work out even more...because that 1000 is going to get harder and harder to burn...or eat less then the 1200 to get it going again? either way your hurting yourself in the long run ya know:) Good luck!
  • nathaliasmommy
    nathaliasmommy Posts: 40 Member
    Im in the boat as you except im a girl lol. I Started on here Jan 6 at 303 pds. as of today im 289 i have lost 14 pds in one week. Im supposed to be at 1400 cals per day but after adding in exercise it goes up and its kinda hard to eat your exercise calories if your eating healthy stuff, most of the time I have 800-1000 calories left to eat at the end of the day. the first two days on here my "net" was -400, which is why i was probably having a killer headache that day, anyways i posted that topic on here and someone said that the net should be at least 1200. so the last few days i got my net in the 900-1200 area,

    Also i dont want to lose that much weight so fast because i dont have to have loose skin if at all possible :(
  • NCVF
    NCVF Posts: 83 Member
    From what I've learned over the years, I'd have to agree with this reply most. It's definitely going to kick off your plan! Some of the other posters who've lost large amounts of weight probably speak from experience as well. You'd eventually want to get on a healthier plan. Definitely talk to your doctor and keep them informed of what you are doing. That way they can tell you how long you should keep it up. Could be best to do it just another month, but they might okay it up until a certain amount of weight is lost. Good luck! I can't wait to see the results!!!
    I started my diet at 397lbs and I had MANY MANY days negative. I think its perfectly acceptable. I however was under a doctors supervised program that met and took blood tests every so often along with blood pressure. We did this for about 16 weeks and I lost about 80 lbs.

    For really big people, the game is a little different and most people treat you as if you are 200 lbs trying to lose 20 lbs or something. Its all percentages of weight loss, so while I definitely wouldnt eat less than 1200 calories or so for your size, a negative net day is not a bad thing because your body is hitting its fat stores to get what it needs.

    If you ever feel like your really hungry or starving some days, you could probably eat back some of your excersise calories.
  • You should eat 1-1.5grams of protein per lb of body weight, you need to eat enough calories otherwise your body will enter starvation mode. It won't eat away at the fat, but instead start hoarding it.

    You don't need to eat 3000 calories but you should eat at least 1500.

    Also you will burn fat faster if you lift weights. Cardio doesn't really build muscle which helps burn fat faster. Cardio is good for warm up and cool down, but really what you want to do is this-

    5 reps, 5 sets, on 5-6 machines/exercises.

    For example, lifting barbells, start with a lighter weight, do five reps, switch for one higher up, do five reps, increase weight 3more times (end weight should be managable for you)

    As I've heard it said before, losing weight without putting on the muscle brings you into a whole nother world of problems.

    Pretty good blog. Don't be afraid to eat, just eat stuff that will give you energy. A guy your size should eat about a pound of lean protein a day. Protein=energy to fuel muscles which burn fat.
  • andrejjorje
    andrejjorje Posts: 497 Member
    That's the way to go.Check for that. Lyle McDonald - The Rapid Fat Loss Handbook. Modified PSMF. Feel free to add me. I'd be glad to help you with what I know.
    Have you considered a PSMF? That should help with the muscle loss a bit better
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    Two words:

    Loose Skin

    Take it slowly, don't try to go too fast or you'll have other issues to deal with at the other end.

    The more methodically you go about it, granted it will be slower, the better the finished product at the end.
  • Hmrjmr1
    Hmrjmr1 Posts: 1,106 Member
    I started my diet at 397lbs and I had MANY MANY days negative. I think its perfectly acceptable. I however was under a doctors supervised program that met and took blood tests every so often along with blood pressure. We did this for about 16 weeks and I lost about 80 lbs.

    For really big people, the game is a little different and most people treat you as if you are 200 lbs trying to lose 20 lbs or something. Its all percentages of weight loss, so while I definitely wouldnt eat less than 1200 calories or so for your size, a negative net day is not a bad thing because your body is hitting its fat stores to get what it needs.

    If you ever feel like your really hungry or starving some days, you could probably eat back some of your excersise calories.

    Best advice I read here so far some other good mentions above him as well. You need to balance it all and make sustainable changes in intake lifestyle. Take your time and make choices you can stick with, It will keep it coming off 6 months and even a year from now. You can do it just keep movin forward. If you want some meal plans that have worked for me feel free to friend me as my diary is open.
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Everyone is different, so what works for one person may not work for the next. I have dropped 5 stone in 8 months by having large negative figures. Certainly didn't affect my muscles - I now cycle 40'ish miles a day (1000 per month/12,000 in 2011) and can comfortably do 100+ miles in a day
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    If you stop losing, eat more. It defies all logic and I'm still not over having to do it, but it works. Although I'm about to go back to 1200 again and see if it works before I start gaining back!

    Oh, and in case no one said it, if you're running a deficit like that, maybe you should do so under a doctor's supervision. Your liver and such could be affected.
  • epurucker82
    epurucker82 Posts: 46 Member
    Maybe that's my issue...I always thought eating exersice calories was taking away from all the work you do at the gym.

    What are people's thoughts on eating more protein then your goal is??? I could add in a extra protein shake...but I also heard that women can only process 30 grams of protein at a time...How much protein is too much???

    I'm starting P90X/Insanity Hybrid program on Sunday and I'm sure at 237lbs I will be burning a lot of calories in the begining and I want to see results. I plan on resting for the next few days so I can really hit it Sunday...