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Seriously? (A grumpy, hungry rant.)

The boy and I made getting healthier out new year resolution. (I know, how cliche are we?!) And we have stuck to it!

I have eaten very well-- always staying within my calories and have begun exercising daily again. I felt great! And then tonight while we were at my Moms we decided to weigh because we don't have a scale between us.

He lost eleven pounds!

I gained a pound. SERIOUSLY?

He hasn't lifted a finger to work out, I've been busting MY BUTT to get in shape... and that's how it works out?

So to say the least, I was a little disheartened. As of right now, we are riding to the restaurant to have dinner. Silly me, I wanted about being frustrated and he held my hand and told me the stuff I already know. The scale is not the only gauge of weight loss, and stress doesn't help (I'm a walking hormone) and some people just take longer.

But seriously?

Oh. And he told me I had two choices, to be negative or positive about it. And me, who just needed to vent for a few, was like I am gonna be negative then.

Apparently negative girls don't get to hold his skinny little eleven pound losing hand.

I know I am being childish but really?



  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    If you've been working out, you may be retaining water. Don't let the 1 lb freak you out. It's normal if you are starting up exercise that you haven't been doing previously. It's frustrating but it happens to just about everyone if they suddenly start exercising more intensely than they were before.
  • morkiemama
    morkiemama Posts: 894 Member
    If you've been working out, you may be retaining water. Don't let the 1 lb freak you out. It's normal if you are starting up exercise that you haven't been doing previously. It's frustrating but it happens to just about everyone if they suddenly start exercising more intensely than they were before.

    This! :) Don't worry too much about it. <3
  • leojsivad
    leojsivad Posts: 124 Member
    Measure your waist as a way to keep better track of your progress. Sometimes "weight" is a horrible measure of all your hard work!
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    If he lost 11 lbs in 13 days, he must have been totally bloated with sodium and water after New Years' celebrations. Maybe you didn't overdo it so badly, or you stuck to lower sodium choices? (Or maybe you drank more alcohol and started the year dehydrated?)

    Also, what time of the month is it for you now?

    But as people say, if you're working out, you're building muscle, and you're pumping up the ones you have with fluid. You know how weight lifters' muscles are larger after a workout? That's not helium they're filled up with!
  • Rant all you want.... that's what we're here for. Just don't give up on your healthy start to the year. It's not a contest... it's about you sticking with it so that, in time, you will look and feel amazing... eyes on the prize, grumpy lady... :wink:
  • supergr33n
    supergr33n Posts: 69 Member
    Don't lose hope, I go through a lot of these plateau's... sometimes it's sodium, sometimes it's "that time of the month", sometimes it's a breeze blowing by my scale as I'm standing on it ;)... drink lots of water (try to stay away from sugar-free stuff), keep up with the awesome work, and you'll notice it come down in no time. Working out causes muscles to hold onto a little water weight, so just know you're on the right track. Also, take measurements once a month- while my scale has basically not budged in like two months, I dropped over 10 inches in the first six weeks of working out (I measure every body part, not just chest, waist, and hips).
  • I am exactly in the same boat. My family is doing great with their program, and I'm sticking to mine with my nails. I am exercising, eating better and drinking water like never before in my life, and I am actually gaining weight, (okay, okay, just one pound). But when two months ago I started to do it on my own -no measuring or tight schedule- I actually lost 5 pounds. Now, I go hungry many times. My husband seem to lose so much faster than me and he told me the same things yours did.
    Maybe our bodies are just different in that sense and takes them a bit more to get in shape?! After I felt really bad I did something stupid and eat some things that are not good for me. Today, I have a cold and I feel pretty lousy physically and emotionally. I truly share your sentiment. However, I also agree with other people, don't give up. Be negative today, and start again tomorrow.
  • Leigh2778
    Leigh2778 Posts: 57 Member
    Men lose weight faster than women. At least, for the most part.

    True story--about 3 years ago, I convinced my husband to try WW with me (online) and he agreed, grudgingly. In less than 2 months, he lost 30 pounds and I lost 10. So I gave up. He continued and lost another 30, and is maintaining that now, as I am just now starting on a new journey to try to get healthier and lose weight. I, of course, gained the 10 pounds back, plus more, once I gave up. Had I stuck with it, and continued losing 10 pounds every two months, I'd have been at my goal weight in like a year and a half, instead of right here, where I am.

    DON'T GIVE UP. There are going to be ups and downs, but ultimately, you will lose the weight. It might take you longer than your jerk of a husband (:wink: ), but you will do it.
  • jenlb99
    jenlb99 Posts: 213 Member
    Measure your waist as a way to keep better track of your progress. Sometimes "weight" is a horrible measure of all your hard work!

    I absolutely agree!!

    When I first started working out, I weighed in at 208 and was wearing a size 18 - 20. Four months later, I weighed in at 190 but was wearing a size 10 - 12, and I carry the majority of my weight in my stomach.

    I started heavily tracking my food again just this past Monday, but only took measurements. I have no clue what I weigh now. I'm guessing I'm still around 190...?

    If you're going to weigh yourself, do it once a month at minimum.
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    Two weeks is not a plateau. It isn't even a statistically significant sample. Especially if you're weighing yourself at someone else's house, instead of first thing in the morning buck nekkid.

    If you're allowing yourself calories for one pound a week weight loss, and you're having 5 lbs of salt/water weight coming and going during the month, it will be over a month before you see unequivocal progress.

    I weight myself daily, with a digital scale. Some people find it makes them obsessive. I find it give me context. I see my ups and downs every day. They exceed what is biologically possible for fat gain/loss, so I know it's salt/water. They don't occur in direct correlation to when I overeat or eat below my goal. But over time, the weight curve is nearly a straight line down.

    Make sure you are weighing and measuring *everything.* Get a food scale. Don't guestimate portion size, because the amount you are eating and the amount you should eat aren't that different. You won't be able to tell the difference without measuring. People often fail at losing weight not because it's too hard, but because they're making it harder than it is.

    Also, understand that if your calorie goal is 1200, that may not be sufficient to lose as much weight as you set as your weekly goal. MFP won't let you go lower than 1200. For me, that's only 1/2 a pound a week loss, because of my age/size/gender.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Not giving up! I just needed to get it out of my system.

    Starting out this morning with some scrambled eggs and one piece of toast, and bonding with my water bottle. Trying to psych myself up to go run the roads on my bicycle again today.

    I appreciate all the encouragement! Thank you all for not jumping on here and telling me what I could be doing wrong, it helps to know that other people have been here before.

    I'm probably not going to invest in a food scale, although I appreciate the suggestion. I have a tendency to get a little obsessive once I start with the whole healthy thing. I've done good so far-- I eat well, and I exercise. I appreciate the help, but I know what works with me, and with my OCD tendencies I don't think weighing and measuring and such would be conducive to my sanity.

    I'll just continue to eat smaller portions, make healthier choices, stay moving and chug water! :) And try not to strangle the love of my life while he plays MW3.

    I'm just gonna blame the gain on the fact that I've started riding my bike 5-12 miles every other day again, and have also started P90x every other day. And stay away from the scale for a while. Leave a mystery there and try to focus on fitting into my skinny jeans.

    Thanks, y'all! <3
  • pwnstar
    pwnstar Posts: 15
    Your post sounds like the story of my life!

    The first week of the new year I watched what I ate (to the point of being OCD) and picked up exercising (I was very sedentary before), and at the end of that week, the scale didn't move. My guy steps on the scale, and says "I don't think this thing is right", making me think - hey, maybe I did lose a pound! NOPE. He lost almost 7 pounds about a month's time, with no exercise and he doesn't watch calories - in fact he dines out ALL THE TIME.

    Totally wanted to punch him in the face :) I held back though..

    A lot of the other posts are right though, I got the same advice - there's a lot of little factors that come into play, so don't sweat 1 pound differences.

    Also, I had to laugh at the MW3 mention, because it's reverse in my household, and I'm the one who spends free time on that game.. lol :)
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Clearly you're going to have to sabotage him. Offer to cook for him and then slip lard into all of his food! :laugh:

    Look on the bright side, he might have lost more weight, but you're probably now the one in better shape.
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Clearly you're going to have to sabotage him. Offer to cook for him and then slip lard into all of his food! :laugh:

    Look on the bright side, he might have lost more weight, but you're probably now the one in better shape.

    HAHA! I like the way you think. ;)
  • auntdeedee87
    auntdeedee87 Posts: 706 Member
    Biked 11 miles today! Feeling a bit more encouraged.