Girls - dealing with food cravings during periods?

Most of the time, the cravings I get whilst on my period are for stuff I usually eat, like toast or bananas. But at the moment, I have a major craving for anything and everything that I CANNOT eat - chocolate, ice cream, cakes etc

Ladies, what do you eat to satisfy your cravings without actually eating any of the bad stuff?


  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I eat it! I eat fairly well the rest of the time, so when I get cravings one or two days a month, I eat it. I don't GORGE myself, my I do indulge in a taste. Usually I want salty foods like french fries, so I'll get a small one or some chips and it satisfies me. I don't try to fight it because that will just make me crazy. I eat a little bit, and like I said, a day or two a month doesn't ruin anything with how I eat the rest of the time.
    I also cramp really bad, and exercise helps to relieve them, so I end up working out a little more during that time and can afford the "extra" calories.
  • learningtolove
    learningtolove Posts: 288 Member
    I eat it- in moderation.
    I crave salt on my period,if I don`t treat myself I end up binging. It gets pretty ugly between regular period bloating and my salt cravings I can `gain` up to 7 pounds that week of the month.
  • silhouettes
    silhouettes Posts: 517 Member
    I usually just eat it and force myself to work off the calories.. not healthy but won't gain if I stay in my calorie range... might not be healthy but it's not a "every" day occurance.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    if i see it coming i try to head it at the pass and grin and bear it ..but if i dont see it coming and im craving sweets well then i eat them lol .. had chocolates and ice cream cake last time and it was really good !!!!
  • Inlet
    Inlet Posts: 135
    When I crave salt I eat pickles and when I crave chocolate I eat fresh grapefruit. I also make sure and take multivitamins and drink a lot of water. =)
    If it's just too much to bear I will have a bit of very dark chocolate, or drink some good coffee.
    The grapefruit thing is like a miracle food for me... takes away my appetite completely and tastes like dessert.
  • Sugar free mint chocolate chip gum works every time! :o)
  • When I crave salt I eat pickles and when I crave chocolate I eat fresh grapefruit. I also make sure and take multivitamins and drink a lot of water. =)
    If it's just too much to bear I will have a bit of very dark chocolate, or drink some good coffee.
    The grapefruit thing is like a miracle food for me... takes away my appetite completely and tastes like dessert.

    What a great idea!
  • Jordynnsmom
    Jordynnsmom Posts: 88 Member
    I have about two days that I crave ice cream, chocolate and anything else sweet. I have come to the conclusion that I should just give in and eat it. I do however control the serving size.
  • Ughhh, the dreaded TOM. I give in. If I get a craving, I eat what I want and just drink a lot of water the next day. I usually put on 2-3 lbs anyways during my TOM and it comes off after.
  • Clkafka
    Clkafka Posts: 45
    I also eat pickles when I am craving something salty, or Special K sour cream and onion cracker chips. For sweets, a dark chocolate square is my favorite. Sometimes I even put a 1/2 tbl of peanut butter on a dark chocolate square. Also, places like Yogurtland are good options. 4oz of frozen yogurt without a bunch of toppings can be a lower calorie craving killer.
  • maritenour
    maritenour Posts: 107 Member
    Yes! pickles! its such a "different" flavor with the sourness it usually kicks cravings out of the picture.
    I also chew gum all the timee. It keeps my mouth occupied so i dont put any of the bad stuff in. haha
    I work in a bakery/donut shop so i am coooonstantly tempted.
  • adjones5
    adjones5 Posts: 938 Member
    Hot tea.
  • Mybabie
    Mybabie Posts: 239
    I eat it. But try not to eat too much of it. Like Have one small chocolate candy. My husband usually has Riesen in the house. So I will have one of those. Really good chocolate.
  • Wow, seeing everyone else say they eat it makes me feel a lot better about the fact that I *always* give in to period cravings. I honestly thought that if I was "strong enough" I'd be able to just ignore them, but it's kind of cool to know that I'm normal.

    Anyway: I eat. I usually do well during the day, but at night I have some snacks because I can't sleep without giving into the cravings. I eat the stuff I usually eat as well as stuff I don't usually eat--or at least in not such large portions. I still workout like I usually do, and once my period is over I notice the bloat is down *and* that I didn't gain any weight. Maybe it's a woman thing? :)
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I have pretty strong chocolate cravings so I eat Jello sugar free chocolate pudding (the refriderated kind...non refrigerated is nasty!) They are only 60 calories and pretty yummy.

    Another thing I have are Nature Valley Dark Chocolate granola thins. They are 80 calories.
  • "SKINNY COW",makes an absolutely delicious milk chocolate wafer bar for just 110 calories!,cant beat the flavor & its so satisfying,try that,im sure you will be hooked ...I am!
  • gingerb85
    gingerb85 Posts: 357 Member
    I go ahead and eat one square of a good quality dark chocolate and that usually satisfies my chocolate cravings.
  • LakeishaEllis
    LakeishaEllis Posts: 10 Member
    Chocolate is also a craving of mine during my cycle, and Ive found a great recipe that allows me to have it without all the calories. Its called the Cola Cake, the recipe is on Hope that helps.
  • getfitnfab
    getfitnfab Posts: 418 Member
    So I noticed if I have been working out that month, I do not have as many cravings

    When I do crave something I have it and try to work it off

    In the past when I have not used moderation, the day I start giving into the forbidden foods, every forbidden food goes thru my lips
  • cshrank
    cshrank Posts: 13
    Yeah, working out beforehand also helps me. But if not, my cravings cannot be quinched by a simple piece of chocolate... my cravings are like entire pans of brownies or boxes of donuts or something big that is substantially filling!! I rarely give in to those, especially now that I'm working out and eating much more healthy than I used to... but those desires still come up. I eat graham crackers and try to keep the 100 calorie packs of something sweet so that I cannot gorge myself... and gum definitely helps. I recently discovered the pina colada orbitz... yum!!