South Beach?

Anyone doing South Beach? I just started yesterday. I'm having trouble eating all my calories. MFP says I need 1800 and I am averaging around 1300. I had started doing low carb on Jan. 3rd and lost 5 lbs before I actually started SB.


  • VikkiGettingFit
    I do South Beach as well. I use this site for tracking and keeping myself accountable, but don't pay too much attention to calories. I focus on keeping my carbs low (and only healthy carbs) and my protein high. It works well for me!
  • ford8709
    ford8709 Posts: 140
    I have lost 9 lbs so far this month. How many carbs do you usually get? I have been well under 100 with just a couple times being just a little over.
  • punkinbaby1
    punkinbaby1 Posts: 36 Member
    what is diff between atkins and south beach? i do atkins now, at 20 or so carbs a day. i have been diagnosed with high cholesterol. My Dr said it wasnt my diet but my family history and to keep doing what i am doing. So i wanna stay low carb, but for my own piece of mind want to lower fat intake as well. Atkins says it doesnt work as well with low fat.........
  • ford8709
    ford8709 Posts: 140
    SB is lower fat also. Reduced fat cheese, milk ect. Atkins is full fat everything from what I understand.
  • Lewana
    Lewana Posts: 2 Member
    I am starting back on SB. 4 years ago I lost about 20 on SB and I am hoping to repeat.
  • Lewana
    Lewana Posts: 2 Member
    South Beach is more about low-fat options and healthy portion sizes. Also, you add some healthy carbs back in phase 2 of SB. Most people I know that have done these diets fins SB do be a more sustainable option for the future.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Started SB 5 days ago and have lost 5 lbs so far. How is everyone else doing on it? Is everyone as sick of eggs as I am?
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Is everyone as sick of eggs as I am?
    LOL! Yeah, I'm not a big fan of eggs to start with! There's a couple of alternatives I use: 1) just having a cup of V8 for my veggies, a serving of canadian bacon (usually about 3 slices) for my protein, and a yogurt to help fill me up; or 2) "mock french toast" - add 1 T of ricotta cheese and a few drops of vanilla to the egg, beat to mix, then pour in a skillet and cook like a pancake. This is amazingly close to french toast in both taste and texture (just a little thinner).

    You can leave the vanilla out, add some herbs, and cook in a larger skillet so that it's thinner (like a crepe), then saute some vegetables to fill it with. Still egg, but adds some variety!
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I will definitely try the "french toast" thing. I have had differing opinions on whether yogurt was allowed in Phase I.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    I also found a recipe for "muffins" that is similar. 2 cups ricotta, 4 eggs, 6-8 packets of splenda and Vanilla extract, Mix it up. Put it in cupcake tin and bake for 20-30 minutes. My kids think their delish and keep stealing them.
  • punkinbaby1
    punkinbaby1 Posts: 36 Member
    loven the ricotta :) yeah!!
  • MamiDub
    Here is an amazing website for South Beach recipes:
  • MamiDub
    South Beach isn't so low in fat that is would slow weight loss because it allows whole eggs and nuts/peanut butter, lowfat cheese. Plenty of good fats that you need.
  • MamiDub
    what is diff between atkins and south beach? i do atkins now, at 20 or so carbs a day. i have been diagnosed with high cholesterol. My Dr said it wasnt my diet but my family history and to keep doing what i am doing. So i wanna stay low carb, but for my own piece of mind want to lower fat intake as well. Atkins says it doesnt work as well with low fat.........

    South Beach isn't so low in fat that is would slow weight loss because it allows whole eggs and nuts/peanut butter, lowfat cheese. Plenty of good fats that you need.
  • KellyKAG
    KellyKAG Posts: 418
    Week 1 of SB and down 7.5 LBS :smile: :smile:
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    Week 1 of SB and down 7.5 LBS :smile: :smile:
    Whoo-hoo!!! Congratulations!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I will definitely try the "french toast" thing. I have had differing opinions on whether yogurt was allowed in Phase I.
    I think in his original book, he did limit the yogurt, but then changed the requirements when the Supercharged book came out. This is the info current posted on the South Beach Diet website:


    You can enjoy 2 cups of nonfat or low-fat plain yogurt on Phase 1 of the South Beach Diet (including 0% fat Greek yogurt) and up to 3 cups (including artificially sweetened low-fat or artificially sweetened nonfat flavored yogurt) on Phase 2. Read labels carefully and avoid brands that contain high-fructose corn syrup. Rich in calcium and other minerals, yogurt also provides protein and B vitamins.

    (This is me again!) You can add a little vanilla to the plain yogurt in Phase 1 if you don't care for it without flavoring.
  • michelby09
    michelby09 Posts: 38 Member
    I've been doing SB for about a month and I've lost only 5 lbs....I think this diet works better for me because I have diabetes, but I really wish I could lose more!!

    I have been eating chili for the past 2 weeks for lunch, and it has 50 carbs per serving, so I'm wondering if that is the issue. I am going to incorporate exercise this week along with the chili and see if that helps. If not, no more chili for me!
  • michelby09
    michelby09 Posts: 38 Member
    Oh and yes, I am soooo sick of eggs! I only eat them on the weekends now with some turkey bacon/sausage, and then have cottage cheese and jello or an Atkins shake during the week. So far, I'm not sick of cottage cheese yet!
  • yellowrose5321
    yellowrose5321 Posts: 111 Member
    I've been doing SB for about a month and I've lost only 5 lbs....I think this diet works better for me because I have diabetes, but I really wish I could lose more!!

    I have been eating chili for the past 2 weeks for lunch, and it has 50 carbs per serving, so I'm wondering if that is the issue. I am going to incorporate exercise this week along with the chili and see if that helps. If not, no more chili for me!

    5 lbs is good -- different people lose at different rates. I wish I could just show consistent loss -- right now I've been down 2, up 1, down 4, up 2 . . .

    It could be the carbs in the chili -- when I was on phase 1, I was only getting an avg of about 80 carbs a day -- my lowest day was about 40, the highest was about 110. A lot would depend on what those carbs were, what ingredients where in it. If it has beans in it, and most of the carbs are from the beans, that should be fine. I'm looking at the can of chili I have in my pantry right now (Hormel Chili, no beans). For a 1 cup serving, it only has 18 g of carbs. Looking at the ingredients, it has oatmeal and corn flour (not great, but not too bad), and less than 2% of tomatoes, sugar, and modified cornstarch (sugar's not great, but at least it's not high fructose corn syrup; Dr. A really frowns upon modified cornstarch -- he believes it creates cravings, but this seems to be a very small amount -- I guess it would depend on how if affects you).