30 day shred question



  • sandyrrt
    sandyrrt Posts: 255 Member
    What is a HRM?

    Michiganmama3---it's a Heart Rate Monitor
  • melg126
    melg126 Posts: 378
    I did Day 2 yesterday and today I am beat so I am taking a recovery day!
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    I'm on Day 2 of Level 2 with 5lbs weights. I do it M-F with a run on the weekends. It's HARD at the beginning of the level and the first week you'll be in some pain (if you're doing it right!) but it does get easier! I was just beginning to think Jillian isn't that bad at the end of Level 1 and then yesterday I started Level 2....now I don't like her so much anymore! :smile: :smile:
  • pixiexxgirl
    i'm interested in buyin this, my only concern is im not what all is on there and I'm unable to bend my back certain ways (Scoliosis & im missing a bone in my spine) so its really painful for me to do certain bending
  • laughingdani
    laughingdani Posts: 2,275 Member
    I did it everyday taking a break when my body felt like it needed it. In total, I think I took maybe 3 breaks the entire 30 days. That was my first round of 30DS.

    I have since done 3 rounds of 30DS with no breaks.

    It gets easier.

    I haven't done 30DS in a while...but when I get bored with what I am currently doing sometimes I will do all 3 levels of the shred back to back for a long workout. Good luck everyone. You can do it!
  • fae14
    fae14 Posts: 54 Member
    Heart Rate Monitor. Unless there's another gadget with the same acronym.

    ETA: Never mind. My page didn't update and I didn't get to see that the question had been answered.
  • Twinsmama75
    Twinsmama75 Posts: 76 Member
    I also want to try this workout, but my lumbar spine is fused so I have to be a little mindful of what I do or else I'll be in so much pain & unable to walk. I had that happen with Taebow (sp?) Is 30DS hard on the back?
  • TTHdred
    TTHdred Posts: 380 Member
    I think this will greatly depend on where you are in your fitness level. The last thing you want is to be very diligent for the first two weeks and burn out before you can complete the full 30 days. I think that 3-4 times a week, with a rest day in between is completely sufficient and will yield the results you’d like. Also, if you are new to the journey “form” is something you are working on. And, poor form and affect injury, so you don’t want to go everyday and potentially injure yourself. An injury can cause a much longer break than a day in between and, as before, affect results and commitment. However, if you have been at this for a while and JM is just a change in routine, this may not be a concern for you.

    Like I said, a personal choice, but my vote would be to rest in between.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    To those asking about moving your backs, in Level 1, the things with bending the back are crunches. You are laying on your back and moving the top of your back off the floor and in another crunch you are moving your bottom up off the floor. And the cool down exercises you sit with your legs spread out and stretch to touch your toes. The rest of the exercises I believe all are done with back straight. I haven't looked at Level 2 or 3 yet so I don't know if there is more back bending.
  • DrumlineGirl
    DrumlineGirl Posts: 178 Member
    I was thinking of adding this to my non-lifting days. I lift 3 days a week and do elliptical or a walk, or zumba on 3 opposing days (for instance: day 1 lift, day 2 cardio, day 3 lift, etc). I'd love a more intense cardio workout, but am unsure if my sore arms from lifting can take it. Is it arm heavy, or do you find that normally your legs are really sore and not your arms?
  • chiera88
    chiera88 Posts: 155
    you don't need to rest every other day but you have to rest at least one day a week. if you can, workout 4-6 days a weeks
  • cupcakemama
    I plan on TRYING to do it everyday, but MAYBE take weekends off (mainly cause I don't want my fiance watching me do it lol)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I've been doing it every other day, but been doing Tae Bo or Zumba in between.
  • Mikaylarae27
    Mikaylarae27 Posts: 175 Member
    I'm doing it every day because it's only 25 minutes. If my body tells me I need a break then I will but so far so good.

    To PP, I find it difficult but doable. Just do the best you can and you'll see yourself progress. You can log it as circuit training or go to "create exercise" and fill in the time and calories yourself.

    This is pretty much the mindset I have. Its just 25-30 mins so I'm going to try t do it everyday, unless I am really sore (only on day 4) and then I will listen to my body and take an "active rest day"
  • awkennon
    awkennon Posts: 3 Member
    In my previous life, I was a personal trainer-and NEVER did the same workout 2 (or 5!) days in a row. Normally you're supposed to take a day between identical workouts to let your muscles recover. The workouts are short enough, though, and if you're only doing 30 days, you're probably ok. That said, I had my best results when I was doing 30DS Mon/Wed/Fri, and C25K on Tue/Thu/Sat.....I would stretch each workout into 2 weeks, instead of cramming 5-6 days of the same workout with no break on the muscles/joints.

    One other hint for the 30DS, one that I wish Jillian would mention-a lot of the upper body work can be done without any weights at all, esp if you're just starting out. The weight of your arms is probably plenty (especially for those 500 front raises!!), and you can add weight as you get stronger. It's better to have good form and do full sets of the exercises correctly, rather than strain your low back/knees because you feel compelled to use 5-lb weights with every exercise (and probably only do a fraction of what she's doing on the video anyway).
  • regmcc
    regmcc Posts: 81 Member
    I use 2,3 and 5 lb weights. Some of the movements I'm comfortable with the 5lb but there are a couple (the front raises lol) that I use the 2 lbs. Hopefully I will work my way up to the 3 and 5 lbs with these movements.
  • sambo155
    A tip if you're sore from the 30DS:

    I never work out so starting the 30DS was huge for me. I started it 1 week ago and had every intention of doing it everyday but I didn't. I did it 4 out of 7 days. The first day, I drank a protein smoothie and even though I *did* feel like I'd worked out, I didn't hurt too bad. The 2nd day, I was running short on time, got through the workout but didn't do the few minutes of slow down at the end. I also didn't have my protein smoothie. OMG! I was in agony for 2 days! That's why I didn't work out the 3rd day. By the 4th day, I was a little better and worked out again and had the smoothie. No problems at all! I will try not to ever do the workout without my protein smoothie waiting for me! I don't know if that's what helps me not be so sore or not, but I believe it does.
  • Mischa523
    I'm seeing everyone's success stories with this program and I'm interested in buying it, my only concern is I live in a 2nd floor appt and I've tried doing Insanity DVD's but the whole floor shakes. Is there alot of fast movement with your legs? And another question, do you have to get dumbells and/or exercise ball for this program?
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    @Sambo - I was most sore after day 2, and it had nothing to do with protein or not. Your muscles would be sore if you didn't work them like that before. Not saying the protein isn't good, it is. But I wouldn't skip a workout now because I didn't have protein shake available. You won't be as sore now that your muscles are getting conditioned.

    @Mischa - there are jumping jacks, and jump rope (without the rope) in level 1. In level 2 there are squat thrusts and plank jacks (that is like jumping jacks but you are holding yourself up on the floor with your arms and jumping your legs. In level 2 there are modifications for those moves that are not jumping, but you still have to do jumping jacks and jump rope for cardio.
  • sharrrina
    sharrrina Posts: 37 Member
    Just started this today...all I can say is Wowzers!