Can you drink too much water?

In the last 4 days I've been drinking a **** ton of water, I just find myself really thirsty. I have always drank a glass that holds 16 oz water with my breakfast. And since I started MFP, I've started paying attention and drinking water at work instead of staying busy and forgetting. My waterbottle at work holds 24oz and based on my thirst I've been drinking one before lunch and one after, then I come home and have 1-2 more 16oz glasses.

I'm sure this is such a stupid question but my water ounces have like tripled lately and so I'm just curious. Thank you.


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    not really...

    its very rare to suffer water toxicity..usually only happens to like marathon runners. and that is basically due to drinking a lot of water all at once. It makes it hard for your kidneys to filter it out, it moves into your cells and swells them. and all that. you can look it up.

    dont worry too much about it. but, if you find yourself being very thirsty a lot, be aware that could be a sign of diabetes.
  • emilyc92
    emilyc92 Posts: 182 Member
    I've been wondering about this too. I don't really understand why some people have trouble drinking enough water. I feel like whenever I don't have a water bottle on hand, I'm thirsty! I tried logging water once, and it was just ridiculous because I reached the 8 glass recommendation before I even had lunch!
  • jsmorgan
    jsmorgan Posts: 5 Member
    This is an interesting topic - I've just been reading loads of info on the net re too much water - but have not found yet how much is TOO much - the desire to drink a lot can mean the first signs of diabetes and you should get checked out by your GP. However, I'm upping my drinking and probably will be drinking at least 4 litres a day, including my tea, would this be too much - I guess if I start feeling unwell that will be a sign - does anybody know how much is TOO much? thanks Jeanette
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    Although its very unlikely you'll die from too much water (it IS possible, mind), the main risk you run drinking so much is flushing out your electrolytes.
  • imjessly
    imjessly Posts: 140 Member
    Depends a little on climate and exercise too. On really hot days we're meant to drink 1 litre (34 oz) per hour we're out in the sun.
    And obviously if you're doing lots of exercise you need more water too to make up for sweat lost
  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    I drink 100-125 oz a day. It's help flush out the yukies. Drink and be merry.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I never actually drink any neat need to for most of us. We get the water we need from lots of other places. Mine comes purely from tea and coffee. :)
  • skateboardstef
    skateboardstef Posts: 164 Member
    You can die from drinking too much water, but at that point you would be pushing yourself to drink it and you would feel very sick. So hopefully you would stop before that point.
  • shazzam05
    I struggle to drink my 8 glasses a day makes me feel bloated and nauseous.
  • melcpia
    melcpia Posts: 118 Member
    Yes it is possible. What you end up with is water toxicity and an electrolyte imbalance. I have whats called "Empty Sella" syndrome. Means I dont have a complete pituitary and one of the symtoms I had was thirst. At one point before I dx'd I'd drink about 5 litres a day and still be thirsty, mind you drinking this much over a short time I'd end up with headaches and feeling kinda out of it. I aim for 2-3 max litres now. I keep 2 water bottles with me and as long over the period of a day I drink those I know I'm still in a safe range.

    Go to the docs and get yourself checked if you have thirst issues. Ask for an MRI /CT with contrast. There are many things that can cause thirst, including diabtetes.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    If you drink too much water without any onther nutrients (i.e after you have done a marathon and used up all your cells reserves you end up with an imbalance in your body and your cells can't work

    so make usre you are eating healthiliy and eat regularly every 2-3 hours with enough salt sugars potassium and other minerals.
    if you are doing long perionds of exercise ( more than 30) think about hypotonic or isotonic drinks

    the reason nowhere says what is too much si it depends - on
    1. you
    what you have eaten
    what else you have drunk
    how quiclky you drink the amount
    what you have been doing etc.

    so drink little and often there is no health benefits of drinking large quantities of water in one go - it can not be processed and isn't going to help hydration so keep drinking lots but in small amounts through out the day and pay attention to how you are feeling and your body

    good luck
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    Very informative responses..thanks for replying all! This helps others too!