What Diet/ Eating Plan is everyone using???


I was just wondering what eating plan/ diet everyone is on?
Is anyone using diet pills/ supplements?
And how is it going for you?

I'm going to be using recipes from Symply too good to be true and aiming to eat around 1400 calories a day, i have also ordered some African mango pills just to help me get back to double digits (i know they probably won't work but it's worth a try!)

2012 the year of the loser and i can't wait to be a loser!

Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter


  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member

    I was just wondering what eating plan/ diet everyone is on?
    I am on the MFP plan, I eat as many calories as I am alloted... and try to eat pretty clean.
    Is anyone using diet pills/ supplements?
    :grumble: I have in the past but never again!
    And how is it going for you?
    I was rushed to the emergency room cos my HR went up to 230 at resting and was at risk of a heart attack.. at 16 years old :noway: AND put all the weight back on.

    I now use MFP just eating pretty healthy, and exercise and have lost 34 pounds/ 15kg...
    Please reconsider the pills, try eating healthy and exercising before you use them and see what you can do yourself..
    Plus I'm sure you will be more proud of yourself if you do all the hard work yourself.

    I'm going to be using recipes from Symply too good to be true and aiming to eat around 1400 calories a day, i have also ordered some African mango pills just to help me get back to double digits (i know they probably won't work but it's worth a try!)
    Double digits in kg or pounds???
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member

    I was just wondering what eating plan/ diet everyone is on?
    Is anyone using diet pills/ supplements?
    And how is it going for you?

    african mango pills? :indifferent:

    eating plan: eat clean. avoid processed stuff. i.e. if it comes in a box you microwave then I avoid it. I also don't drink soda pop. once a month have 1 planned bad meal. like pizza or burger. stay within my calorie intake, excercise.

    pills: I take 2. fish oil and multivitamin

    how's it's going: awesome. I lost over 100+ lbs. plan to reach my goal by end of year or early 2013.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    No special eating plan - mostly home cooked meals made from fresh ingredients (no mixes or jars, yuk!) lots of fruit and veggies, snacks are yoghurt, fruit and veggies, muesli bars, nuts, cheese and crackers. Occasional (that's the plan anyway, doesn't always work out that way) chocolate, cake, biscuits (cookies), desserts etc. beer or wine a few times w week.
    In other words, real meals and mostly healthy snacks.
    I'm not a fan of cutting out any macronutrient group so I happily eats carbs, fats and protein and aim to stick close to my net calorie goal.

    Edited to add: definitely NO diet pills. Never have, never will, I don't see the point in wasting my money when I know that eating a healthy amount and exercising regularly will cause me to lose weight and get healthier and fitter.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I got best results from going wheat free/low carb but that maybe cos I have a mild wheat intolerance. I will be staying wheat free but re-introducing other carbs as I get closer to my goal.

    I do eat gluten free bread not bothered about pasta, I like white rice occasionally and trying Quinoa too. (tried brown rice but didn't like it) Oats are one of my favourite grains and have them for breakfast also love waitrose's rhubarb crumble with oats on top (in place of pastry crumbs) and gluten free chocolate brownies, they are my 'treats'.

    most meals though involve lot of salad/vegetables meat or fish. only things that are microwaved is when I've made my own curry/chilli/shepherds pie and froze half of it for another day.. I don't buy pre-packaged versions I cook them from fresh myself so know exactly what's gone in them.

    I vary my calories but not to a specific plan just how I'm feeling! I tend to eat more around my monthly cycle and feel less like exercising due to the stomach cramps so I just do this for a few days (i believe they call them spike days) then when water comes off I got back to lower carb for a bit (no additional carbs with meals) 2-3 days then throw in a treat meal, usually back to exercising as soon as TOTM has ended too.. this has worked for me so far, its steadily coming off and losing inches.
  • margo36
    margo36 Posts: 222 Member
    I eat what I fancy providing I keep within my calorie allowance. I cook from fresh. That way you can eat more andit's healthier. I plan out my food in morning so I know what I have spare then I can add some extra fruit if I'm hungry. You are probably wasting your money buying pills.:happy:
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    No special diet/eating plan here.

    I eat what's best for me based on 15 months of healthy living. In that time, I've learned that I'll still allow myself diet soda and sugar-free squash, I still give myself a bit of 'junk food', but I always aim for the healthiest option, and I still have chocolate sometimes.

    In return I measure my portions, I always try to make the best choices and I keep within my calorie limits wherever possible.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    I love the recipes in Symply too good to be true. I have also looked at the special K site and registered and they have some great recipes also. I try to eat fresh and cook all my own. i also find drinking green tea a benefit. Good Luck on your weight loss journey.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i am on the 'eat less, exercise more' diet... otherwise known as trying to follow a healthy lifestyle!
  • talysshade
    talysshade Posts: 273 Member
    Stick within the calorie goal! That's all I do. As much as possible without snacks and and junkfood.. however, I'm addicted to fries and chips and other kinds of fried potatoes and I'm a meat lover.. And despite all that, I still tend to eat fries (although fried in healthy oils), chips in the weekends and all kinds of other things I love all the time and am still losing weight. It's perfect!
  • iwillsoonbeslim

    I am on the MFP plan, I eat as many calories as I am alloted... and try to eat pretty clean.

    I now use MFP just eating pretty healthy, and exercise....
    Please reconsider the pills, try eating healthy and exercising before you use them and see what you can do yourself..
    Plus I'm sure you will be more proud of yourself if you do all the hard work yourself.

    ^^ THIS^^ MFP *is* a 'diet plan' in itself. And I've lost as much in 6 months, calorie counting in a healthy, proactive and rewarding manner, as I did on three years on a 'diet'....
  • tamanella
    tamanella Posts: 500 Member

    I was just wondering what eating plan/ diet everyone is on?
    Is anyone using diet pills/ supplements?
    And how is it going for you?

    I'm going to be using recipes from Symply too good to be true and aiming to eat around 1400 calories a day, i have also ordered some African mango pills just to help me get back to double digits (i know they probably won't work but it's worth a try!)

    2012 the year of the loser and i can't wait to be a loser!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

    I'm doing the 17 Day Diet plan by Dr. Mike Moreno, a general practitioner out of San Diego, CA
    No diet pills just taking a multivitamin, B vitamins, magnesium, fish oil, probiotics
    I absolutely love the diet! It's a little strict to begin with but as you begin each 17 day cycle he adds more foods to it. The weight is coming off pretty quickly. I've been on the diet since January 1 and have lost 9lbs.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    I create my recommended calorie deficit.

    I hit my macros.

    I take fish oil and multivitamin+minerals supplements.

    I eat whatever i like, whenever i like.

    I burn 800-1500 cals 6 times a week.

    = Profit! :D