Looking for help to stay on track

Hi all ! I've been playing with the app on my phone for awhile now but I really got back into this whole thing about 2 weeks ago, this is my first time checking out the forum.

My name is Amanda. I am 24yo. I am currently 202.5 5'6. ( down 4.5 # already ! )

Once all is said and done I would like to be around 165. My current goal is to get down to 190# by Feb 16th ( - 12 # from now ) .

I am normally pretty good about following "the rules" for the first couple weeks but I really need some support to keep me at it this time. I want this year to be the year I can look back and say not the I WANT to achieve it but that I HAVE.

If anyone else is looking into a long term goal please feel free to add me, I need all the help I can get lol !