The P.I.N.K. Method- the true story

I have seen quite a few people talking and commenting about The PINK Method over the last few weeks and have seen alot of misinformation as well. I don't blame people for labeling it as a "fad diet", "same as using MFP except paying for it", etc. I thought the same thing. In fact, every time Dr. Phil had it on his show I would automatically change channels. NOT INTERESTED.

Last week I was watching a prerecorded episode of Dr. Phil that wasn't based on the PINK Method, however, he introduced it to a few overweight guests and gave a little bit of info on it. I learned just enough to become curious and from there began doing extensive research on this plan. I checked out MFP. I checked out the PINK Method website to view sample menus, exercise routines, etc. I looked on diet review websites listings pro's and con's and comparing it to other diets and plans. Ultimately what I found is that this is not a diet, it's a healthy lifestyle plan. Now yes, I realize MFP helps us track calories. MFP helps us track exercise. MFP has support forums. True, true, and true! What MFP doesn't offer that PINK Method offers is a whole new level of education. Now, there are many of you who are incredibly educated on what to eat, an why to eat it, and you guys are FANTABULOUS. You share your knowledge, answer questions, etc. Where PINK comes in for people like me is it answers questions I didn't even realize I had, and it gives me knowledge I didn't realize I needed to know. The whole goal of the plan is to walk you through stages into a new, healthy, PERMANENT, lifestyle while educating you along the way. Yes, I know eating lots of vegetables is good for me. I've done that the whole time I was working so hard on losing weight and using MFP. I'm a bit picky with my veggies so I stuck with certain ones. What I didn't know was that there are certain vegetables that will help remove bloating. There are certain vegetables that work to improve my liver function. There are certain vegetables who provide benefits to the respiratory system. Guess what? Even though I don't care for those vegetables I am totally going to start adding them into my diet from now on! Great bonus is the recipes PINK provided show me how to eat these veggies but hide them from my taste buds so I'm getting the benefit without being forced to feel like I'm eating something I hate. LOL. "The Sneeky Chef" for grownups.

I could go on and on about the workouts, phases for eating, etc, all of which I feel are a great plan and a great step by step action plan for permanent habit change but I won't. I just wanted to provide a smidgeon of information for those who have been misinformed that this is a traditional fad diet.

So for those who are still not a fan, that is perfectly okay. I can respect those whose boats this doesn't float, but for those women who have lost weight but still struggle with plateau's, confusion on what to do to get the weight coming off again, etc--this is a great fit.

Have a great day everyone!!!!!! Keep on losin' in whatever way works best for you! :D


  • beautifulreason
    beautifulreason Posts: 136 Member
    I have been on the pink method plastic for 5 days and have lost 7 pounds....without working out because I'm in the reset phase
    with MFP and working out I lost 8 pounds in two weeks so a total of 15.2 ounce loss.
    I love mfp and pm and plan to use them both
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    I've been thinking about this and might want to try it. Just wondering - in what ways is it tailored toward women (other than the obvious marketing)? Can males do it too, or is it truly specific to females?
  • alimac92
    alimac92 Posts: 705 Member
    I've never heard of P.I.N.K, I'm intrigued and will have a look at this later.

    Thanks for sharing :bigsmile:
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    led6777, it's specific to women and is not for men. The program, diet, and exercises are designed for our bodies and our particular issues. Specific veggies and foods to address hormones, thyroid, water weight, etc. And the exercise is very targeted towards helping women lose the fat where they tend to carry it, sculpt muscle without overdoing it so it's feminine, and designed to continuously recharge our metabolisms. They don't recommend it for men but may come out with a BLUE system one day.
  • led6777
    led6777 Posts: 268
    led6777, it's specific to women and is not for men. The program, diet, and exercises are designed for our bodies and our particular issues. Specific veggies and foods to address hormones, thyroid, water weight, etc. And the exercise is very targeted towards helping women lose the fat where they tend to carry it, sculpt muscle without overdoing it so it's feminine, and designed to continuously recharge our metabolisms. They don't recommend it for men but may come out with a BLUE system one day.

    Sounds super!