I know the experts say you should eat breakfast BUT...



  • CarlyRobbinsGilbert
    Whenever I need to break a plateau, I actually eat more food. I will add an extra 200 to 300 calorie meal into my day. I also make sure my workouts are working for me. After a while, your body gets used to working out if you are doing the same thing over and over again. I know for me, I have to monitor how many calories I burn in my workouts. It takes me longer to burn 500 calories when running than it used to.

    The thing I worry about is your metabolism.


    That link is bro tastic

    This entire quoted section on meal frequency is incorrect, in fact he person quoted in that article, has since changed his tune


    That's what I was thinking of, the intermittent fasting stuff.

    Not an expert, but I'm with you, and my partner-in-weight-loss-crime agrees on this. Whatever "boost" your metabolism could possibly get from eating in the morning, in our experience, gets cancelled out by going overboard later in the day as a result of stirring up that hunger. For us, it has been worth it only to eat breakfast if we are truly hungry, and if I am going straight to the gym, I try to eat a handful of nuts or something because I don't want to work out on 8+ hours of empty stomach. There are so many...people...on this site who will preach until they are out of breath about skipping meals and keeping your blood sugar steady, but the truth is, weight loss is different for everyone. If you feel that skipping breakfast keeps your willpower/morale up and you're seeing results, I would stick with it.
  • KathyReinhart
    KathyReinhart Posts: 8 Member
    Not eating breakfast is a habit of those who are overweight. I find if I go light on breakfast I am starving and make poor choices later. It isn't about will power its about eating smart so you never get hungry. Have something with high fiber or high protein and you'll stay full longer but what you are talking about is a starvation diet. You may lose weight at first but it isn't good for you and it will slow your metabolism in the long run.
  • careyharv
    careyharv Posts: 134 Member
    That link is bro tastic

    This entire quoted section on meal frequency is incorrect, in fact he person quoted in that article, has since changed his tune


    Thanks for the link. I understand the concept of intermittent fasting as I have several friends that do this. And this is fine every once in a while but all the time? I don't believe it is healthy.

    I find for myself that eating every 2 to 3 hours works which includes eating breakfast in the morning. I also understand that my body needs are different because I have different goals.