Used to be on SparkPeople

Well, a friend of mine posted a link to this site and I'm clearly in need of some assistance. About 4 years ago I dropped my first 20 pounds by becoming a vegetarian. This sparked my initial motivation to start losing weight. I started slowly changing the way I ate and my activity level. I also started using the wii fit and doin a little cardio at the gym whereh I used to work. In total, I had lost 70 pounds when I had an accident and sprained my knee over the summer. I was doing so good!! Elliptical 4-5 times a week for 30-45 minutes. Strength training. The whole shebang. And now I just cannot get back on the wagon. My eating habits haven't regressed. at all but I'm not losing weight anymore and am just so frustrated.

So anyway. I have 40 lbs left to lose and after Already losing 80, another 40 seems daunting. I need support. Sparks community never clicked for me so I'm hoping it will be different here. If anybody is looking for a buddy or something message me and maybe we can help eachother out.


  • imkevin
    imkevin Posts: 7 Member
    Sparkpeople didn't work for me either. I like it here, it's easy and the people here are friendly and helpful. :)

    On sparkpeople I lost 2 lbs.
    On MFP I have lost 15 lbs.

    Of course I lost the weight with hard work and a good diet, but whenever I feel like not working out or blah, I get motivated by coming to MFP.

    I wish you the best :)
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    You can't beat the database and the ease of use of this site. I love it here.:drinker:
  • This is a great way to start :) If you really want motivation be sure to check the topics and blogs. They really give you strength to keep going!
  • ARMom8251
    ARMom8251 Posts: 194
    I too did the spark people, and while it has tons of information on there, it just didn't have the support that this site does. It has truly been a life saving, motivating, bunch of people and I say people because it is all about people on here. Not articles and doctors and all the stuff on the site, you know what I mean. I started this site last year and it has helped me lose 46 pounds and keep it off for a year. I love the wonderful people on here and they really are here to support and encourage no matter what. Good luck on here you will love it I am sure!
  • gsager
    gsager Posts: 977 Member
    Welcome, you will find all the support here that you will need. This is a great site. I injured my ankle and am have to go purely on diet for at least a couple of weeks. Hopefully after that I will be able to get back into some cardio. I think next week I will do weights. I'm not a vegetarian and don't really have a lot of weight left to lose but I'm here everyday. You can add me if you like.
  • thistimeismytime
    thistimeismytime Posts: 711 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!! AMAZING that you've lost 80 pounds and kept it off!! Congrats!! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Injuries are frustrating, but you CAN do this!! BELIEVE!! Visualize how AMAZING you will feel when you reach your goal. Before the end of this year, you can have a NEW BODY!! I need to lose 25 and I'd be happy to help encourage you along the way. :)
  • Hi, my name is Laura and I am from Alabama. I'm sorry about your accident but what an amazing testimony of your weight loss! I know you can continue to do great things until you reach your goals! This is only my second day on this program but I am determined to shed this weight and become the person I want to be inside and out. Good luck and God Bless!
  • I started on the WW website several years ago and got some support, but it's always 'how many points this, how much that?' I do still have a thread that I visit every day, because we all have something in common and that's special needs family members. I joined MFP and really liked it, but thought I would venture to Sparkpeople. SP does have great information, but as so many have already said, no support. I came back here to find my friends still supporting and encouraging me. I had missed them, and glad to be back. Everything here is so easy to use, and the support is terrific. Best of luck with your continuing weight loss!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I liked some things about sparkpeople, but it was sensory overload! MFP's simplicity is good.
  • leener09
    leener09 Posts: 1 Member
    I also used Spark People but have found I am better at using MFP and look forward to logging in each day! I tried MFP a year ago and wasn't overly motivated - this time I am! The extensive database makes it easy to record your food quickly. I like the barcode scanner feature from my phone too so I can quickly add things :smile: I have only lost 5 lbs and have 35 more to go but it is a start!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • BReit1
    BReit1 Posts: 28
    I never used Spark People, but I can relate to your frustration with the last 40lbs! After giving birth to my 4th (and last) child, I weighed 205lbs. When my last child was 2 months old, I decided I was tired of being so overweight, I wanted to feel better, and have more energy, after all, I have 4 kids, I need the energy! I changed my eating habits, kicked workouts into gear, and lost 65lbs, I was 140lbs, with 20lbs to go.This past summer, I hadn't gained any weight, nothing had changed, but I was just exhausted, so exhausted I felt like I couldn't function, and I stopped working out. I went to the doctor as a last resort, and was diagnosed with Grave's Disease. In other words, I have an extremely hyperthyroid, and that's probably why I didn't gain any weight while I wasn't working out. The doctor put me on an anti-thyroid medication, welcome back 5lbs, 10lbs, and 15lbs. I was back up to 155lbs, but the medication did help my energy levels a bit. I've tried to jump back on the wagon, and I've lost 9lbs, I'm down to 147lbs, but the starting goal was 120lbs, and now with this medication, slowing my thyroid too much making it hypothyroid (this apparently is the goal of the medication, to slow it down too much, and then take a new medication to speed it up a little, making it "normal), I've become very frustrated! Aside from all of this, the Grave's disease has caused problems with my eyes, and pending a CT scan I'm having next week, we'll know if I'm having surgery or trying steroids first. Steroids that I was told have potential side effects that include insomnia and weight gain. If I have the surgery, I'll be down for a long time, and workouts won't be an option for a while. I'm down right frustrated. I keep telling myself this can't last forever, but when will everything level out and be normal again? I don't know. Good luck to you, I hope you can ditch the last 40lbs!
  • clover5
    clover5 Posts: 1,640 Member
    I did Sparkpeople a few years ago, even got my husband on it. I did lose weight and so did he. However, site began to annoy me with obnoxious flashing ads and tedious entry. I got tired of the same tired articles being recommended reading for me. Like nagging. Yes, there are ads on MFP too, and I can tell they are picking up cookies or whatever and promoting websites that I have already visited, but they are low-key enough that I don't feel angry. Angry is not a good way to diet. I like the straight forward simipicity of MFP. In the beginning I did not participate with others, but lately, I have. It's your choice. When your participate MFP becomes a dieting social network. You'll be glad you made the change.
  • hi, well I need support too so I will be your weight loss buddy..... I just put a post up so you can read that to see what I have been going through. It is very hard for me to lose weight. I am probably the only one that goes to the gym 4 days a week and gains weight. I think subconciensly I think I can eat whatever I want when I go to the gym. Sweets is my enemy. I love them and am addicted to them and carbs like alot of people. I havent had any sweets in the last 13 days so hopefully I can keep it under control. I do like to go to the gym and take classes that are intense. I just have to figure out how to eat so I can lose weight. so it will help to have someone to report to that always helps me. well good luck to you and me on this journey in 2012
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    Welcome to MFP!! I met with a nutritionist last year who gave me a list of sites including Spark People and MFP. While I did create an account for Spark People, I just never 'went' there. I truly enjoy MFP, and I hope you will enjoy it here too. The tools for logging are great, but for me, my online friends are what keep me coming back day after day. The support here is awesome!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    OH MY GOODNESS!! AMAZING that you've lost 80 pounds and kept it off!! Congrats!! Give yourself a big pat on the back! Injuries are frustrating, but you CAN do this!! BELIEVE!! Visualize how AMAZING you will feel when you reach your goal. Before the end of this year, you can have a NEW BODY!! I need to lose 25 and I'd be happy to help encourage you along the way. :)

    I agree with this post, you've done an amazing job, and this site can definitely help motivate you even more! Feel free to add me, I'm on daily!
  • yes I will be your weight loss buddy. we all need the support and I am hoping going on here and blogging and posting my progress will help. I am on the computer alot. I also go on my phone. we can do it we all have the same issues. I also have found that watching the show " the biggest loser" helps me. I can identify with thier issues even though I don'[t have to lose as m uch as them. I do feel the same as them so I look at it like being an alcoholic and going to a aa meeting is me watching the biggest loser. it keeps me motivated, I feel like if they can lose all that weight and be so overweight and do all that exercise than I can too. so for me that helps maybe you should try that too and see if it helps you....