Hello Im new

Hello I am new to this site. I have come on here really to begin changing part of my life.... I am hoping by changing this one part other parts of my life may change for the better also! So hello to everyone!


  • ChattyKitten
    ChattyKitten Posts: 53 Member
    Hi!!! I'm new the the site as well...Just started using it yesterday! Feel free to add me as a friend. If you want to chat or need someone to talk to feel free to message me whenever :)

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • I'm new to this site also I been struggling to loose weight over the last couple of year. I put on a lot of extra weight on over the holiday season and really want to make changes to my life cause is really putting a damper on my life physically
  • evemantilla
    evemantilla Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I'm new here as well. I wish everyone the best of luck in their journeys!!! :0)
  • I'm new too - started using this site yesterday. I've been studying for almost 3 years now and just sitting at my computer, writing assignments and snacking too much has made me put a little weight on!!! I only need to loose a little bit but have absolutely no willpower so thought this site might make me think about what I'm eating and that if I want to eat (or drink!!) a few extra calories, I need to exercise!!
  • Hello,

    I too am new to this sight and so far am loving it.My first week i lost 2 lbs. Was happy since i put my weight loss at 1 lb. per week so i can take it easy and go slow and not gain it back in the future like i have done before on other weight loss programs..

    I think you will really enjoy this sight and if you have a android phone it makes it easy to to do on their as well if your out running errands or to lunch with a friend.

    Welcome and good luck.
  • LisaRN9
    LisaRN9 Posts: 75 Member
    I am new this week too. I started a weight loss plan two weeks ago but started MFP this past week. I love it. I have always struggled to journal my food but I love being on my laptop so have been tracking all my food. I like how it calculates for you..so easy. Good luck to you!
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    me too!
  • myfriendamy
    myfriendamy Posts: 131 Member
    welcome! I've been at it for 6 months, and I see positive changes everywhere!

    it may seem silly, but deciding to change in July to eat better and lose weight has made making other changes easier. I've been a nail biter/picker my whole life... in october I decided to try to grow my nails out AGAIN (I've tried at least once a year since high school), guess what? I have long, healthy nails that actually look pretty!

    which may sound stupid to some people, but that's huge for me :)

    deciding to take control of your life and health will change everything!! go get 'em!!!
  • Hi back, everyone! I'm new here, too! I've been here for about two weeks, and I love it! One of my co-workers turned a lot of us on to it. We're doing a "Biggest Loser"-inspired challenge at the office, and the tools on the site have helped me lose 4.4 lbs the first week (yep, I'm counting the .4). I think my favorite tool on the site is the recipe tool...you can put in your favorite recipes and it will tell you the calories and nutritional value. It's really helpful if you don't want to eat every meal out of a "Lean Cuisine" box.

    And now my cat is eating my oatmeal...happy training, everyone!
  • Hi, Im also new. I think this site is really good, I especially like the way you can look up foods and log all the exercise you do. Its something to keep you focussed and motivated. Ive tried many 'diets' and always exercised but I would like to just make it part of my lifestyle rather than thinking of it as a diet. Good luck to everyone!!!
  • Hi, I am new here as well. I enjoy reading the different posts from people- makes me feel like I am not alone with this whole getting healthy thing. :smile:
  • Hi Folks!
    I'm new as of last month. Since December 7th I've lost 16.5 lbs. I'm excited about the program, it works great on my android phone.
    -Greg from Williamsville NY (Buffalo)