calorie limit but always hungry?

As of lately (within the last month), I have been increasingly hungry and intentionally eating over my caloric limit knowing I will burn it off. I have a 1200 limit a day, weigh around 132, 5' 4", female, and workout 5 or 6 days a week.

I buy lots of good food (fruits, veggies, low sugar foods, high protein, etc) and work as a waitress full time (35+ hours) since I graduated college in December. I am 22.

I am only trying to get to 125 so I am relatively close to my goal. Is my increasing appetite due to my increase in activity since I am always walking at my job or working out? Also, is it going to set me back if I eat over and burn it off? I only go over by like 300 or less. My workouts usually burn 500+.


  • StephanieJ74
    There is a calculator on here where you can put in what you ate in calories and what you burnt off. I think 1200 is the lowest amount of calories you should consume before exercise, otherwise your body goes into starvation mode. Sounds like you have a fairly energetic job but i think you are right to be eating the calories. Hope this makes sense.:smile:
  • StephanieJ74
    So if your'e burning off 500 you should eat 1700 calories!