I'm the pickiest eater ever....



  • louwho777
    louwho777 Posts: 5 Member
    Crewsicka... You said exactly what I was thinking.
  • MaryDreamer
    I feel ya, I truly do! My problem is I don't really care for regular food, I'd rather have dessert for a meal anyday! Which of course I don't. I love sugar and sweets the absolute best. So when it comes to filling up 1200 cals on food I'm almost at a loss, it's hard for me to do. But I manage by checking out the food diaries of my other friends and getting healthy doable ideas. I could fill up 1200 cals of dessert in a heartbeat but unfortunately that won't help me reach my goals! Besides desserts, my fave foods are italian, mexican and chinese which are all No-NO's! So I wish you the very best of luck, I'm surviving you can too! Some ideas are egg whites, wheat bread, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, tunafish, peanut butter, yogurt, cream cheese, brown rice, etc.
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Yo.... just wait til your metabolism starts to slow down.... you're gonna get fat as *kitten*! Best to start those healthy eating habits now. Eat a damn salad with some grilled chicken! Stay away from the processed crap.... like granola bars.

    I agree. Don't need to sugar coat it.
  • jellybaby84
    jellybaby84 Posts: 583 Member
    I do understand how you feel, I'm an unbelievably picky eater myself and definitely don't tind you can just make yourself like something. Unfortunately, you're unlucky in the nutritional value of what your taste buds are picking. My palate is at least as limited as yours but I'm lucky in that it's relatively healthy.

    I will not eat anything with a sauce, anything remotely spicy, anything that's been near a tomato (real or processed), any condiment, hardly any red meats, very little dairy, lots of vegetables, anything with cooked fruit, dried fruit or nuts (except macadamia weirdly), beans, peas or lentils, anything chocolate, lemon or banana flavoured, coffee, tea, beer, wine, most seafood or anything that has lots of ingredients mixed together!! And I'm sure I'm forgetting loads of other stuff too.

    But I do like almost all fruits, plenty of veg, chicken, fish, potatoes, noodles and yogurt. I base almost my entire diet just on those few items but I think it's pretty healthy and balanced. If you are a junk food lover (I also love things like sweets, crisps ad ice cream of course!) then I think you're probably like me in having a very simple palate. All of those things above that I eat can be liked without too much of an effort I think. Start with something really bland and easy like steamed chicken breast, a jacket potato and lettuce, cucumber and celery and see how you get on.

    Alternatively, if you have a calorie controlled diet only consisting of fruit and cereal bars then I think you'll soon be pretty skinny!! (bit unhealthy maybe, but depends on what your goals are).

    Good luck.
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    If you feel like you are slacking in certain areas or making excuses for why the diet didn't work or the exercises didn't get done...it's time to take the bull by the horns and own up to it and say that I am the reason it didn't work. There are only so many times that you can find something or someone to blame it on. Take time to look yourself in the mirror and say that it's time for me to kick it into gear because I am the only one who can get the job done. We can and will give you all the support that you need but the ultimate responsibility falls on you. So no more of the "I couldn't workout because"..or the "I feel so badly that I gave in to a craving and binged"....or "I just didn't feel like it,so everyone feel sorry for me" lines. They are over and it's time to "right the ship" and get back on course. You know that you are strong enough to make it happen,so don't make excuses for not getting it done......Time to go to work!....With that being said,don't ask for suggestions from us when you say "I CAN'T change UNTIL....."...you need to step up and do what's necessary to make it happen!!