I am SO frustrated with the POLAR website!

DH found me a (used) HRM at our REI Garage Sale a few months ago, but the model number was obscured on the back so I couldn't find the manual or ask questions about it, since I wasn't sure what I was dealing with.

Flash forward to today, when I realized that it was silver sharpie, and I could use my nail polish remover on it. (Smart NBer that I am... lol) Anyway, I can now see that I have an FS1. Okay, cool. I head on over to the Polar website to find out how I can get a replacement chest strap for mine, since it didn't come with one. Problem: the entire Support page is error-ing out. The manual is error-ing out. I had to google the manual in order to find out that I do in fact need a chest strap.

Amazon.com is trying to get me to buy a strap that doesn't sound like it goes with my HRM, and I can't read the serial number on my HRM anyway, so would that make it difficult to connect it to a strap? Is there a place I could get someone's old one?

Blah, I'm so frustrated. I just want a strap so that I can be as accurate with my calories Out as I'm trying to be with my calories In.
