Looking for motivation

Hi everyone, this is my third week using MFP. I was just looking for a calorie counter to hold myself accountable to, but found a lot more!

I'm male, 27, 6'5" & 260 lbs (270.5 three weeks ago) with and eventual goal of 215. I'm from near Pittsburgh, PA

I'm hoping to find some friends to keep me accountable to tracking my calories since just this Friday I skipped it and seem to always find a reason skip one day a week.

Have a great weekend everyone,


  • eagle_01
    Hi webfactor, feel free to add me :-)
  • pink09diamonds
    Well done on your weightloss!!

    Take a picture every 2-4 weeks of yourself not wearing any black because it's slimming... We look at ourselves in the mirror everyday you will see the change with your pictures and will want to continue :D

    Dont let one bad day put you down, Its going to happen just pick yourself back up the next day and go on a nice walk.. It will make you feel better and get rid of those extra cals...

    Hope this helps :)
    Feel free to add me
