What the f

Last 6 days straight......under calories, eating good. Doing Insanity schedule, 6 days burning mad calories...haven't lost 1 lb. WTF I know your body does weird stuff, but really?


  • biologic
    it has only been a week, but try lowering your calories even more and working out slightly longer and see what happens.
  • ttkg
    ttkg Posts: 357 Member
    How is your water intake? Getting enough sleep? Things like this drive me crazy too, be patient. You know you put the hard work in, it will show up sooner or later. Keep it up!! :flowerforyou:
  • carlita123
    carlita123 Posts: 29 Member
    Are you eating enough calories to keep up with the ones that you are burning? Try taking body measurements, I'm sure that you will see the difference in those numbers right away.
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    You may not be eating enough. If my calories dip too low, I stop losing. And, remember that you're building muscle. Take your measurements and monitor them every couple weeks - you could find the weight isn't dropping, but your size is because muscle is denser than fat. Don't be discouraged. I know - easy to say.
  • CgabrielChubRub
    it has only been a week, but try lowering your calories even more and working out slightly longer and see what happens.
    I'll try that...this is my third week of insanity and this is the first time i haven't lost anything at all. but I am struggling less during the workout so....my calories are actually lower than they have been previous weeks so I wonder if i am actually eating to little
  • CgabrielChubRub
    Thanks you guys...i am guilty, no measurements taken. Water intake pretty good, sleep good. I even feel great...not even tracking my water/fat/muscle percentage on my scale..tsk tsk...
  • carlita123
    carlita123 Posts: 29 Member
    I bet that you are eating too little...wish that was my problem. :-)
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    it has only been a week, but try lowering your calories even more and working out slightly longer and see what happens.

    Without seeing your diary, I can't say for sure, but this sounds like pretty bad advice to me.

    Eat the calories MFP has recommended, you don't have to drop under this amount as it already includes a calorie deficit.
    Make sure you are logging your food and exercise accurately, don't forget to add in the small things like coffees, sauces, snacks - they can add up to lots of extra cals if you don't record them. Eat most of not all of the calories you burn through exercising - you need to give your body good fuel to work with when you are doing intense exercise.

    And give it another week or two, then if you're weight isn't changing it is time to mix things up. This isn't a short term thing - it does take time to see real results - I know that's frustrating though!!
  • emmaruns
    emmaruns Posts: 189 Member
    My first week of hitting the exercise hard I actually GAINED 3 pounds. It was just water and eventually my body figured out the plan. I know it's rediculously frustrating, but stick with it. Your body retains water while your muscles are healing from all the exercise.
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    i didnt lose weight for months last year.. was sooooo frustrated. then my trainer did my bmi and i lost 8% and also went down a size in clothes.. wound up gaining muscle definition while losing body fat so my weight was maintained for a good thing i guess.. dont give up and keep moving forward ..i lost 80lbs so i totally understand your pain
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Go take a picture of yourself now in just a pair of shorts, keep doing what you've been doing without getting on the scale, and take another picture in two weeks. I'm betting you'll see progress even if the scale still isn't budging.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Not sure what insanity is, but if it's some kind of intense toning workout as the name suggests then chances are you are losing fat and gaining lean muscle.

    Other possibility is you're not eating enough so you've tricked your metabolism into thinking you're in a famine situation and it's hoarding mass for the emergency. Gotta eat enough!
  • hlandry6
    hlandry6 Posts: 230
    It's all about being patient........
  • Charloo1990
    Charloo1990 Posts: 619 Member
    Oh believe me, i feel ur frustration. I have done sooo well this week. Under cals, 8 glasses of water every day and worked out. Felt slimmer in myself too. I step on the scales today, gaoned a quatre of a pound. I seriously expected a loss BUT... unfortunatly its that time of the month for me in the next couple of days so im putting the gain down to that cause theres no way possible i could have gained, i should have lost if anything. Its so disheartening but if i was meant to lose anything then it will hopefully come off next week.
  • biologic
    it has only been a week, but try lowering your calories even more and working out slightly longer and see what happens.

    Without seeing your diary, I can't say for sure, but this sounds like pretty bad advice to me.

    no. if he didn't lose weight it is because of a few plausible reasons.

    1) he is consuming more calories than he is expending. if this is the case, he won't lose weight, and restricting his calories further and increasing his calories expended will solve this.

    2) he is consuming about the same number of calories he is expending. same solution.

    3) he's recording his exercise and calorie intake incorrectly, which is still solved by what i suggested. by restricting his calories further he can correct for misreporting his calorie intake (as long as he doesn't fix his input error). by exercising more he can make up for any error in putting in too many calories burned.

    if his problem is any of the 3 above (which covers 99% of people's problems with losing weight), then what i suggested will solve it. it doesn't even matter what he's eating.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    Remember that one pound of muscle has a smaller volume than 1 pound of fat, so while you did not lose weight, you may have gained muscle. For weeks when the scale does not move, I pull out the tape measure. It helps with the psychological burn for not losing pounds0
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    2 pictures

    Same weight

    Photo 009 by , on Flickr

    Photo by , on Flickr

    Keep at it.
  • biologic
    2 pictures

    Same weight

    Photo 009 by , on Flickr

    Photo 009 by , on Flickr

    Keep at it.

    those are the same picture
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    2 pictures

    Same weight

    Photo 009 by , on Flickr

    Photo by , on Flickr

    Keep at it.

  • CgabrielChubRub
    i really don't use my extra calories burned...say i have 2000, but burn 650....i never eat 2650, i just have calories in a glass case. usually though, i don't eat the cals I've burned:ohwell: