Staying on track at Disney??



  • umachanxo
    umachanxo Posts: 926 Member
    Lots of walking and lots of water!
    I gained 10 lbs on my Disney trip. Going back in 11 weeks, hoping to be able to keep in line this time.

    Good on not getting the meal plan.. maybe buy some bread and stuff to make sandwiches and bring healthy granola bars.
  • mlachance9
    mlachance9 Posts: 49 Member
    I get the fruit instead of the fries and most places I could find grilled chicken or veggie burger snadwiches. I would then load the sandwich with lettuce and tomatoes and only eat one side of the bun. I also packed easy snacks in sandwhich bags such as chocolate cheerios to snack on while my kids and husband bought snacks. It is doable as I have gone twice and not gained either time. I did allow myself one dinner where we ate at a sit down place where I did not feel as though I had to be as strick with my choices. Good luck and have fun!
  • dovesgate
    dovesgate Posts: 894 Member
    I'd bring a watch HRM if I were going, just to find out how many calories walking all over that huge place and standing in line burns. I bet it's thousands.
    That seems a bit high. Walking around at a slow pace burns a bit, but I'm pretty sure "standing" doesn't count as exercise.

    It's 5 days... I'd be worried if she wasn't walking enough to burn thousands over 5 days. I agree that standing doesn't count as exercise though.
  • 99Tinkerbell
    Easy to do with or without meal plan. I lost 5 lbs last time we went. I would eat a good breakfast light and you know how to do that. In the parks for lunch would get chicken breast sandwich they have plenty with no breading pulled it off the roll used there fixing bar to make like a small salad they always had lettuce tomato and pickles that's enough for me. I bought weight watchers salad dressing in a packet and carried it with me through that on top and if I was still hungry they sell plenty of fresh fruit every where. Dinner eat smart all their places have low calorie choices or you can ask for anything even if they don't carry it they will get it for you. They will go to an adjacent restaurant with no problems. I'm telling you can ask for anything and everything there, they will cook it the way you want! They are very easy to work with in that aspect. Why do you think they call it the happiest place on earth.
  • luvmycandies
    luvmycandies Posts: 489 Member
    Disney actually has many healthy choices, you will be fine! Enjoy!
  • CheleLynn44
    CheleLynn44 Posts: 339 Member
    I have been to WDW quite a few times and there are your typical fast food park food. But they do also have a lot of healthier choices too. So don't worry!!

    And like a lot of people have said you will be doing a ton of walking.

    You also have to remember.......what you are doing should be changing your habits for goood, its not a quick fix. It has to be something you can continue to do and live with. Never having treats or yummy food is just not doable if you want to succeed. Vacations are part of life and we have to live our life!!

    Don't stress......Enjoy yourself!!!
  • chazbo35
    chazbo35 Posts: 79 Member
    Plenty of good food choices so dont worry about it. We take snacks with us when we go to Disney. Yes you do a ton of walking but dont rely persay on that to make an excuse for a bad food choice. Go have fun but just make good choices. The last time we went I wasnt even dieting and didnt really even want much to eat the whole time we were there. Its probably all the coffee I drank because I was worn out from all the walking hahahha. Dont sweat it though, you'll be just fine!
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,282 Member
    I love Disney. I was just there in October and will be back in June. I belong to a huge online Disney community so I like to keep up with it all.

    There are healthier options just about everywhere. Go online and you can check out the menus ( is a great resource). This will at least give you a few ideas of what is offered. If I knew your exact plans I would give you more exact options.

    You will do a lot of walking. Just the basic walking in the parks from attraction to attraction is enough, but many of the queues are long as well. The queue for Soarin' is a hike! Even while you stand in line, it is rarely at a complete stand still. You are constantly moving forward.

    However, also make sure you enjoy yourself. If you have a favorite treat, still have it. I mean, a Mickey Bar at Disney is a law! Or a Dole Whip Float... mmmmm....
  • finnsgma
    finnsgma Posts: 55 Member
    thanks so much everyone :-)
  • Molly_Pitcher
    Molly_Pitcher Posts: 84 Member
    Hi! I live in Orlando and go all the time. There are salads and fruits, I also tned to pack fiber one bars, they are filling and healthy. Be sure to bring a water bottle and fill it at fountains and drink TONS of water! Also don't panic if you gain a couple pounds. I always go up on the scale after a day there. Usually it's just water weight, you can retain alot of water when you do that much walking. But it always falls right off when I get back into my routine.
    and HAVE FUN!!! make sure you do Mission space in Epcot Best. RIde. EVER!
  • robinreed10
    Standing in line might not burn calories but if you holding a small child that should count for something...maybe do some squats in line ;)
  • NicoWoodruff
    NicoWoodruff Posts: 369 Member
    Make sure you condition yourself to be able to walk a few miles without soreness before you go.. otherwise you may end up with blisters on your feet.

    I realized on a trip to Disney years ago that I needed to be doing more walking because all the walking around Disney was giving me blisters and soreness. After that trip I took up a walking program that I still do. Looking forward to visiting Disney again next December and I'm going to walk all over that place with no problem yay! I also plan to do enough swimming to actually lose weight next time I'm there.

    Otherwise approximate your calories best you can with MFP and watch your portions.

    Staying at the Beach Club hotel is nice because you can walk out your door and swim in a gigantic set of pools, and they have a fully equipped gym.. walking distance to Epcot.
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    I agree, you should have no problem. I've not gained in the past, and I haven't exactly been on my best behaviour. I easily walked five miles around a park in a day, not including all those steps queuing, and there are loads of healthy options in every sit-down restaurant and counter service place.

    Last time I went, I went crazy with breakfast each morning, and I didn't resist the occasional junk meal, but didn't gain. I spent two weeks there and maintained, with that walking and a few days swimming.