Calories in Pizzaria Foods



  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    There are things limiting my ability to "prepare" at home...hence not having a working fridge.(cheeses, other ingredients)
    AND sir, i am at work...i wanted to treat myself and fix my craving, and Was impressed i didn't eat the whole thing like I would in past months....

    Kudos on the "...didn't eat the whole thing..." I usually make a couple in advance and freeze them. This way my wife doesn't have to cook much.
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    There are things limiting my ability to "prepare" at home...hence not having a working fridge.(cheeses, other ingredients)
    AND sir, i am at work...i wanted to treat myself and fix my craving, and Was impressed i didn't eat the whole thing like I would in past months....

    wait, wait..."working fridge"???
  • xcrushx28
    xcrushx28 Posts: 182 Member
    Like Zip said you did good by not eating it all, but there are easier ways to stay on track. Things do get a whole lot tougher when you don't have a working fridge. You may find a good deal on craigslist for a working one. A toaster oven is a great investment as well. Over time you will save enough money by preparing your own food, rather than going out to eat.

    If I was in the same boat I would probably resort to pop tarts, cereal, protein powder, rice cakes, double fiber bread, almonds and peanut butter to hit macros.

    Please know we are trying to HELP.

    @Zip - Super jealous bro :)
  • zipnguyen
    zipnguyen Posts: 990 Member
    Like Zip said you did good by not eating it all, but there are easier ways to stay on track. Things do get a whole lot tougher when you don't have a working fridge. You may find a good deal on craigslist for a working one. A toaster oven is a great investment as well. Over time you will save enough money by preparing your own food, rather than going out to eat.

    If I was in the same boat I would probably resort to pop tarts, cereal, protein powder, rice cakes, double fiber bread, almonds and peanut butter to hit macros.

    Please know we are trying to HELP.

    @Zip - Super jealous bro :)

    where are those calzone photos sir?