Im feeling very discourgaed =(



  • n_soares3
    Thank you that really helped. That is def more realstic. 5lbs by Febuary 14 about a month. This workout is very intese I am doing. Jillian Micheals 30 day shred. But it helped very much..thanks again.

    Thank you everyone...boosted my confidence.

    I will keep everyone posted. =)
  • SkinnyGirlFatBody
    SkinnyGirlFatBody Posts: 98 Member
    I'm feeling the same way, I love getting on the scale in the morning, but lately it hasn't moved at all!
  • n_soares3
    Hey Guys,

    I had a few people asking to post my deit to see what I am eating and if i am eating the right things. Please take a look. And tell me what you think. I would love your feed back.

    For those of you who are just reading this, I am 5'9 Weight about 178-180 up and down i want to be around 165-167 ish before I leave to Europe in March. I am doing JIllian Michaels 30 shred i'm on day 4. Havent had much results yet. I carry most my weight in my mid section. Got some pretty amazing people help me out yesterday.

    I am staying away from the scale now and did my measurments today.Please tell me if I am doing anything wrong, and if there is food I should stay away from.

    Thanks Again!!
  • rockerbabyy
    rockerbabyy Posts: 2,258 Member
    just took at peek at your food log - do you log everything you eat? if so, youre undereating by a lot! you want to net at LEAST 1200 - but as close to 1530 as possible. i know it sounds weird, but you have to eat more. you have to have enough to fuel your body or it will hold onto everything and not let go.